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Title | Views | Posted |
6241 | 12-17-2016 09:21 PM | |
3832 | 11-01-2016 02:28 PM | |
1792 | 09-23-2016 09:50 PM | |
2832 | 09-21-2016 03:08 AM | |
1550 | 09-19-2016 06:41 PM |
08:41 PM
Hi @kettle
As this thread was marked 'Solved' in June of 2016 you would have a better chance of receiving a useful response by starting a new thread. This will also provide you with the opportunity to provide details specific to your use of the PutSQL processor and/or Phoenix that could aid others in providing a more tailored answer to your question.
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09:15 AM
Yes, this thread is older and was marked 'Solved' in April of 2016; you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also provide the opportunity to provide details specific to your question that could aid others in providing a more accurate answer.
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03:51 PM
@Randy Gelhausen, thank you for the link. I added that to my favorites!:) @Constantin Stanca Thank you so much for your updated response. It provided valuable reasoning and advice and helped me to read easier Wes' article.
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11:33 PM
3 Kudos
The following is under the assumption you do not explicitly require using Site to Site to transmit the data. While there are facilities that could support this, it is not an extension point and currently does not provide control over how FlowFiles are delivered. The simplest and most naive approach would be to use RouteOnAttribute to route each FlowFile to a given relationship and then use that to feed your transmission processor of choice. In this case, a PostHTTP sending to a ListenHTTP would be one way of attack that would allow transmission formatted as FlowFiles. Depending on the source system you might, such as if it was clustered, need to use expression language to additionally mark the destination system and use that to dynamically craft the resultant POST URL to the associated listener. This is fairly static and simple but would cover the use case you were anticipating.
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04:34 PM
1 Kudo
There is not such a mechanism in place for ExecuteStreamCommand. ExecuteProcess does have the ability to batch but based on your mention of incoming event rate, seems like the need for handling input which ExecuteProcess does not provide. Depending on the nature of your parsing/process, it may be possible to convert this to use InvokeScriptedProcessor which could tie said parser/process to the component lifecycle.
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08:23 PM
3 Kudos
@Randy Gelhausen There are a few ways to do this.
Use the distributed map cache to get runtime attribute lookups and re-populate it as needed with new configs. Use a scripted processor to lookup your config values and merge the attributes on to the FlowFile. I have some work in progress extending a lookup table service by @Andrew Grande that can do lookups against a properties file that is reloaded periodically. It includes a LookupAttribute processor that can merge in either specific properties or all the properties from a properties file. See:
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12:13 PM
I have ConsumeJMS reading form a Tibco Queue at NiFi version 0.6.1. NIFI-1628 only refers to the SSL integration. However use the latest version if that is possible as there are improvements that are worth having.
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04:07 PM
@Randy Gelhausen Thanks. What threw me off is that when creating a new jdbc interpretter (at least in sandbox) it is prepopulutated with default prefix properties and psql values.. Did not know that entire property and value needed to be deleted and recreated with new prefix (vs only new values).
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10:43 AM
@Andrew Grande I want to delete all templates visible in the Nifi UI under Templates tab how to do it? i dont want to delete it one by one from UI. Also in my Nifi setup my templates are not being stored in /home/nifi/conf/templates directory, so where are these stored by Nifi? please help!!
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09:08 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. On further thought, what about using a single PutHDFS with Directory set by flowfiles. Ranger HDFS permissions are set to allow the NiFi user to write to specific ingest directories, and downstream consumers should have Ranger HDFS read permissions on the ingest directories necessary for their application.
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