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11:35 AM
@Garyy You are correct. Since NiFi does not use sessions as mentioned in my last response, the client must authenticate every action performed. When you "login" to NiFi, the result is a bearer token being issued to the user which your browser stores and reuses in all subsequent request to the NiFi endpoints. At the same time a server side token for your user is also stored on the specific NIFi node you logged in to. The configuration in your NiFi login provider dictates how long those bearer tokens are good for. With your setting of 1 hour, you would be forced to re-login again every hour. Thanks, Matt
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09:43 PM
@Henrik Olsen Based on Number Of Records To Analyze property value NiFi will analyze those many records (or) based on each flowfile number of records to determine type for the record. If we keep 1million records to analyze if you are having one flowfile with 1 million records then only the value will be considered (or) processor will limit through number of records in the flowfile. . i think there are no null values for the columns that's why NiFi inferavroschema processor not able to add null as default type for some columns(in case of empty spaces they are not treated as null values for the string type).
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08:55 AM
I see GetHDFSFileInfo from 1.7 might be relevant. Running 1.5 currently though. Suggestions on that platform?
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09:16 AM
Any progress on getting MoveHDFS to accept attributes in Output Directory? It seems difficult not be able to have a dynamic solution as mentioned in this thread.
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01:34 PM
@Henrik Olsen The FetchSFTP will make a separate connection for each file being retrieved. Concurrent Tasks will allow you to specify the number of concurrent connections allowing more then one file to retrieved per processor execution schedule (still one file per connection). - Yes, HDF 3.1 will have all these goodies. Suggest skipping directly to HDF 3.1.2 which was just released since it has a loyt of fixes for some annoying bugs in HDF 3.1 and 3.1.1. - You will have the option to use either an external REDIS configured how you like or an internal NiFi DistributedMapCacheServer with the WAIT and NOTIFY processors. - The DistributedMapCacheServer provides the following configurations: There is no TTL for the DistributedMapCacheServer option. - There also isn't a processor that will dump out the current contents of the DistirbutedMapCacheServer, but you should be able to write a script that can do that for you. Here is an example script that is used to remove a cached entry: - I do not know a lot about REDIS, but as an externally managed cache service, it probably will give you a lot more options as well as a cluster capability so you don't have a single point of failure like you would have with the DistributedMapCacheServer. - Thank you, Matt
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08:49 AM
How far is the work on surfacing data provenance data in error handling? I have just discussed this option internally, rolling our own error handling process group using the data provenance rest api for looking up relevant data to convey in error logs and messages, but if on the near horizon as a built-in option, that sounds great.
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