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1627 | 02-15-2017 10:39 PM | |
2069 | 02-13-2017 07:28 PM | |
1862 | 02-01-2017 10:46 PM | |
1938 | 01-31-2017 02:29 PM | |
1234 | 01-27-2017 02:04 AM |
08:37 PM
How to install docker version of sandbox on Mac for hdp-sandbox 2.6.5? I kept getting "502 bad gateway" when try to run Ambari page. Even when I am on Dashboard page, I end up with many red flags.
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05:36 AM
There is another way where the user updates the password hash only (with a little help from a python script): save the password hash from uaadb's user table which looks similar to this: $2a$10$someSaltSomeSaltedHash, download the and (see below this list) to a computer where you have python3 installed, install the bcrypt python package with pip3 install bcrypt, the script uses this to generate password hash with the Bcrypt algorithm, run python3, the script uses useful defaults, so the customer needs to give the password only, save the generated hash into the uaadb's user table, try login with the new password. import bcrypt
import sys
rounds=int(input("Number of rounds [4..31], higher number gives more security but the genaration and login process will be slower (default 10): ") or 10)
prefix=str(input("Prefix (possible values 2a, 2b, 2y, default 2a): ") or "2a").encode("utf-8")
password=input("Password: ")
print("Generating hash for password: " + password)
password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode("utf-8"), bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=rounds,prefix=prefix))
print(password_hash.decode("utf-8")) import bcrypt
password=input("Password: ")
hashed_password=input("Hashed password: ")
if bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode("utf-8"), hashed_password.encode("utf-8")):
print("Doesn't match") Example to generate: $ python3 Number of rounds [4..31], higher number gives more security but the genaration and login process will be slower (default 10): Prefix (possible values 2a, 2b, 2y, default 2a): Password: SomeReallyHardPassword Generating hash for password: SomeReallyHardPassword $2a$10$6ch6sgrqxWnQYsxPdgBXLe6HPb02P5CeYHlwRtiCciJ1gDrSvZ1Km Example to validate: $ python3 Password: SomeReallyHardPassword Hashed password: $2a$10$6ch6sgrqxWnQYsxPdgBXLe6HPb02P5CeYHlwRtiCciJ1gDrSvZ1Km Matches Note: The algorithm is not deterministic so for the same password it will generate different hashes if you execute the script multiple times.
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12:31 AM
@Kaav, as this is an older post, you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also be an opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question.
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10:36 PM
1 Kudo
The quickest way to launch a cluster with Cloudbreak is through the CLI. This allows you to specify all of the required settings and submit the request to Cloudbreak. The cluster will show up in Cloudbreak just like it does when launched via the wizard. The quickest way to generate the JSON template is to set up a cluster through the wizard. Generating the JSON Template from Cloudbreak GUI The first way you can create the template is from the Create Cluster wizard. In the Cloudbreak GUI, walk through all of the steps to configure a cluster. At the end, before you click "Create Cluster" you can click "Show CLI Command". The second way is to go the a running cluster in the Cloudbreak GUI. Click the "Actions" button and you can click "Show CLI Command". The CLI command dialog comes up with the JSON template in the top text box and the Cloudbreak CLI command in the lower text box. Click the "Copy the JSON" button and the paste it into a text file. Copy the CLI command to a note for later use. Preparing the JSON template for creating a cluster The JSON template does not have the sensitive values that were used in creating the cluster and they will have to be filled in. Most notably, the password in the ambari section. In the copied JSON, it will be blank, but you must set it before a cluster can be created with the JSON file. "password": "SuperSecretL0ngPassword!!one",
You may also want to change input values for variables in a dynamic blueprint. The HA blueprint discussed in "Cloudbreak blueprint for high-availability Hadoop and Hive" is a dynamic blueprint, allowing you to change the value of dfs.namespace for each cluster you create. Set this in the inputs section. In this example, it is set to "hdp301". "inputs": {
"dfs.nameservices": "hdp301"
Many of the configurations for HA in blueprints do not pass validation and therefore require a setting in the blueprint section. If so you will see an error when you try to create a cluster from the CLI. This could be for HIVE_SERVER, NAMENODE or other components. ERROR: status code: 500, message: Incorrect number of 'HIVE_SERVER' components are in '[master_nn1, master_nn2]' hostgroups: count: 2, min: 1 max: 1 If you get an error, you will have to add "validateBlueprint": false, in the ambari section where the blueprint name is specified: "ambari": {
"blueprintName": "hdp30-ha",
"validateBlueprint": false,
"userName": "admin",
Otherwise you may get a validation error when you Creating the cluster with the CLI Once you have the JSON template ready, you can create a cluster by just running the 'cb cluster create' command. This will return quickly with a successful return code and you will see the cluster in the Cloudbreak GUI. The cluster will be built just as it is when you click create cluster in the GUI wizard. $ ../bin/cb cluster create --cli-input-json ../clusters/cb-hdp301-ha.json --name hdp301-ha
$ echo $?
0 Changing settings in the JSON file Now that you have a JSON template, you will be able to see where you can change configurations such as the instanceType or nodeCount for each host group, the HDP version and the repo paths to customize each new cluster you create.
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01:31 PM
hey i think config is missing port for quorum , following is the working snippet , { "hbase-site": { "properties": { "": "2181", "hbase.zookeeper.quorum": "%HOSTGROUP::master_nn1%:2181,%HOSTGROUP::master_nn2%:2181,%HOSTGROUP::master_mgmt%:2181", "hbase.zookeeper.useMulti": "true"} } }
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02:45 PM
5 Kudos
As discussed in my previous article Using Pre-defined Security Groups with Cloudbreak, the preferred method for managing security for hostgroups in Cloudbreak is to use the native interface from your cloud provider. For Openstack, one of the easiest ways to do it is to use the openstack CLI. My Openstack environment uses a self-signed certificate and is only accessible through a VPN, so I have to use the --insecure flag to ignore the certificate errors.
Before you can use the CLI commands, you have to know your Openstack login parameters. This includes username and password, but also the URL of the security endpoint, project name, etc. For mine, I have a script that puts these values in environment variables, but they can be specified on the openstack command line if desired.
export OS_USERNAME=john.whitmore
export OS_PASSWORD='xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export OS_SYSTEM_SCOPE=Project
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://###.###.###.###:5000/v3
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=Tenant1
The first step is to create the security group.
openstack --insecure security group create hdp-sec-mgmt
| Field | Value |
| created_at | None |
| description | hdp-sec-mgmt |
| id | 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 |
| name | hdp-sec-mgmt |
| project_id | ad120b0e0e3c41f5b621f7149c876390 |
| revision_number | None |
| rules | direction='egress', ethertype='IPv4', id='64659d92-e5f8-4689-981f-391217d64674' |
| | direction='egress', ethertype='IPv6', id='d8273584-66d0-4575-a8c6-a883e4112cb7' |
| updated_at | None |
This creates a new security group with default outbound access rules. It will create with the requested name even if there is one by the same name. Therefore, we will create the ingress rules using the id that was returned, because that is unique. For the same reason, when you use the rule, Cloudbreak shows the id so that you can be sure you are using the rule you expect even if there are duplicate names.
Next you add your ingress rules. The default for the create rule subcommand is --ingress and --tcp, therefore I don't have to specify those for each line.
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 60200
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 39915
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 6188
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 3888
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8080
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8886
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 22
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8440
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 5432
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 1080
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8441
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 4505
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 4506
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 443
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 61181
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 61310
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8670
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 32768
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8480
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 32769
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 9443
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 36677
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 2181
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 8485
openstack --insecure security group rule create 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 --dst-port 18886
Each line outputs information about the rule that was created
| Field | Value |
| created_at | None |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ether_type | IPv4 |
| id | fbe378e6-5adc-44dd-b695-3769d27d228e |
| name | None |
| port_range_max | 8080 |
| port_range_min | 8080 |
| project_id | ad120b0e0e3c41f5b621f7149c876390 |
| protocol | tcp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | None |
| security_group_id | 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158 |
| updated_at | None |
You can list all of the rules in the security group to verify it.
openstack --insecure security group rule list 0b9f6f3f-f5fd-431d-af31-a5c4efb53158
The listing of the rule at the end looks like this:
| ID | IP Protocol | IP Range | Port Range | Remote Security Group |
| 067cd1a9-d744-4fdc-aaaa-b2c2e148b525 | None | None | | None |
| 07c68cbe-0acf-4a20-baef-e0d8940ea94c | None | None | | None |
| 0b502d4f-596f-4e27-8451-9ca8d99dc4b7 | tcp | | 6188:6188 | None |
| 4053d474-6332-48bf-bf87-45f34355c6cd | tcp | | 3888:3888 | None |
| 49df8547-1723-4380-b548-7f74f32e2b71 | tcp | | 8440:8440 | None |
| 4cde8bc0-c52c-46c6-a506-b8e22654d3be | tcp | | 32768:32768 | None |
| 4e4f5e4c-ef9b-472b-9901-37a24c8d7571 | tcp | | 8485:8485 | None |
| 5cbe51a4-b82f-4828-bac7-2399d600ecae | tcp | | 4505:4505 | None |
| 60e0a5f3-6826-4274-b87d-2fa614cc504e | tcp | | 60200:60200 | None |
| 63803572-419a-472b-ad09-c6568f7f3981 | tcp | | 39915:39915 | None |
| fbe378e6-5adc-44dd-b695-3769d27d228e | tcp | | 8080:8080 | None |
| 8bca6668-47f4-4089-a028-a1a95620cfe4 | tcp | | 9443:9443 | None |
| 96caddc4-6a99-4be1-995d-282c7d6e2173 | tcp | | 61181:61181 | None |
| 9fa5764a-4bab-4d7b-8ebb-239f80d3ceb1 | tcp | | 22:22 | None |
| a1eca812-e485-4cae-8bef-a1cad525f86b | tcp | | 4506:4506 | None |
| a580c721-bd45-480d-8413-ae15442b5557 | tcp | | 443:443 | None |
| a6f74c6e-fc96-4314-a18f-60af8c5d9bde | tcp | | 5432:5432 | None |
| c072ebef-19ec-403f-9505-547cff4f2b05 | tcp | | 2181:2181 | None |
| caff450a-1c7c-405b-bc8e-49d2d815566d | tcp | | 32769:32769 | None |
| cd0bf21c-f46c-44bb-bf9f-2b0f119177fa | tcp | | 18886:18886 | None |
| cf3e99fe-758f-44c2-800b-cddeb1607183 | tcp | | 8441:8441 | None |
| d5191190-b3f9-4dde-b3aa-cc615afb78e3 | tcp | | 1080:1080 | None |
| d733e203-5b41-492b-ba79-997be1094e41 | tcp | | 61310:61310 | None |
| d9fbcefa-223c-4f3d-a4d1-d6d990ddabf5 | tcp | | 8670:8670 | None |
| f414bfb0-fc43-43d6-96e6-a70dd60351c9 | tcp | | 8886:8886 | None |
| f823d654-d04c-4d5b-96c0-ee3e12bf57a7 | tcp | | 36677:36677 | None |
| fa86a862-7223-43d4-8b49-ed6365ab1c91 | tcp | | 8480:8480 | None |
If you want to limit the access instead of taking the default, you can add --remote-ip <ip-address CIDR> to each line.
I think you will find this much quicker than going through the GUI for every added port.
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07:51 PM
4 Kudos
The preferred method to manage network security with Cloudbreak is to use existing security groups in the target cloud. You manage the security groups in the target cloud's native tools and Cloudbreak adds the nodes to those existing groups.
This allows the access rules in the security group to be centrally managed eliminating the need to propagate changes to existing clusters. Each cluster that gets created will have the same standard access rules, which can be very granular to provide only the access that is required. This also allows separation of the security management duties from the cluster administration duties if an organization requires it. Network security groups - Microsoft Azure
Each cloud has its own interface for managing security groups. In Azure, for instance, the access rules are in network security groups and each group is available in an individual location. Here we see four network security groups that I've created in Azure's South Central US location for use with Cloudbreak.
I've created these to follow the hostgroups in the blueprint that I'm using. The services that are running on the management master include Ambari, Ambari Metrics and other cluster management tools. They have different access requirements that the namenodes running on the and the security groups reflect those differences.
Configuring Existing Security Groups - Hortonworks Cloudbreak
Cloudbreak reads the available security groups from the cloud at the time that the cluster is being configured. In this example, you can see that the same groups created in the Azure dashboard are shown in the existing security groups dropdown list below.
All that is required is to select the proper group for each hostgroup and Cloudbreak will put the VMs it creates into those security groups. Note that in this example I've decided to have one security group for all of the access needed to any services on the master nodes. This will allow services to be moved between master nodes without having to change the groups.
Once the cluster is built, you can see the VMs that are built.
Clicking on the VM name will take you to the cloud's interface, allowing you to see the settings that were applied. Clicking on networking shows you the security group being applied. VM Networking - Microsoft Azure
In the networking section of the VM, you see the Network Security Group that was requested was applied by Cloudbreak.
Managing network security groups - Microsoft Azure
Creating a network security group in the native cloud tool is pretty straightforward. Here's what it looks like in Azure:
Once the Network security group is created, you can define the ports and IP address ranges for access. Changes made here will be effective for any VMs that have already been provisioned as well as any new VMs provisioned to use the same rules.
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07:32 PM
Can you provide a sample blueprint which has the following 1. HBase 2. Kafka 3. Solr Thanks K
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07:49 AM
2 Kudos
This is a detailed walk-through of configuring a service account in Google Cloud Platform and a cloud credential in Cloudbreak. Once these are done, Cloudbreak can spin up your clusters in GCP easily and quickly. High Level Steps
Enable Compute Engine API in GCP project Create service account with required roles in GCP project Create credential for GCP service account in Cloudbreak You will need a GCP account that you have full rights to administer service accounts and a Cloudbreak instance. The Cloudbreak can be running anywhere, as long as it has network access to GCP. My example is running on an internal OpenStack cluster. Google Cloud Platform Console Log into the GCP Console at On the main dashboard page, you will find the Project ID. You will need this to define your credential in Cloudbbreak in a later step. GCP - APIs Dashboard Go to the Service Accounts screen by (1) clicking the menu in the top left, (2) hovering over APIs and Services, and (3) Clicking on Dashboard. GCP - APIs & Services Dashboard Verify that the Google Compute Engine API is listed and enabled. If it is not click on the Enable APIs button to search for and enable it. GCP - Service Accounts Go to the Service Accounts screen by (1) clicking the menu in the top left, (2) hovering over IAM & Admin, and (3) Clicking on Service Accounts. GCP - Create Service Account - Step 1
Click "Create Service Account"
GCP - Create Service Account - Step 2
Give the service account a name Check the "Furnish a new key" box. This will download a key to your computer when you finish creating the account. If you are using Cloudbreak 2.7 or later, select JSON format key. Google has deprecated the P12 format and it will eventually be unsupported. If you are using Cloudbreak before 2.7, I strongly recommend that you move to 2.7 because of the many excellent new features and use JSON. In Cloudbreak 2.4, P12 is the only format that is supported. Click the "Select a Role" dropdown Select the required Compute Engine roles. Select the Storage Admin role under Storage. Click outside of the roles selection dropdown to reveal the "create" button. All five of the roles shown are required for the service account.
GCP - Create Service Account - Step 3
Click "Create" GCP - Service Account Created The new private key will be downloaded and the password for the key will be displayed. You will not use the password for Cloudbreak.
GCP - Service Accounts List You will need to supply the Service Account ID in the Cloudbreak Credential form in a later step.
Cloudbreak - Creating GCP credential Log into your Cloudbreak instance.
Click on Credentials in navigation bar Click on "Create Credential"
Cloudbreak - Select cloud platform
Click "Select your cloud provider" to pull down list Click on Google
Cloudbreak - Create Credential
Give this credential a name. This will be used in Cloudbreak to identify which cloud you will use to provision a new cluster. Paste in the Service Account ID from the earlier step. Paste in the Project ID from the earlier step. Upload the key file that was downloaded in the earlier step. Click "Create"
Cloudbreak - Verifying Credential - Step 1 To see that the credential is working, start to create a new cluster
Click Clusters on the left-side menu Click Create Cluster
Cloudbreak - Verifying Credential - Step 2 Once you select your new credential, the Region and Availability Zone fields should get populated. If they don't, they will be blank or say "select region". That would be an indication that your credential does not have the proper roles, or you do not have the Compute Engine API set up.
Finished Once you've verified that your credential can talk to the GCP API, you can finish the cluster creation wizard to build your first cluster.
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01:51 PM
Great to hear that you got things working @Prasanna G
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