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1658 | 06-14-2019 06:26 PM |
12:53 PM
Thanks this is helpful, but I was curious. If there are versions of postgres installed on the system, how does ambari-server choose which one to run with? I actually have another system where I'm seeing the opposite. In this case postgresql-10 is running and postgresql (9.2) is not active after a restart. I'm just trying better understand how it choose which postgres service to start?
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07:19 AM
Thanks for your response. Sorry for my the late response, but I wanted to pass this along in case someone runs into this issue. So I did some more testing and what I found is that I had an incompatible postgresql-jdbc driver. So I was upgrading from 9.6 to 10.x and it appears the jdbc driver I was using was pretty old and incompatible with version 10.x. Once I upgraded the postgresql-jdbc driver everything worked just fine. Here is what I did to resolve my issue: wget mv /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar.old (backing up the old driver) cp ~/postgresql-42.2.9.jar /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=postgres --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar
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06:26 PM
For those might find this down the road. I just realized I wasn't connecting to the rangerkms db with the correct user. To backup the database I used the rangerkms user (instead of rangeradmin as in my original post.) sudo pg_dump -U rangerkms rangerkms > rangerkms.sql
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