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off late i am seeing this issue in oozie , where the instance of a coordinator is getting kicked up after the (next materialized time) , for e.g if the coordinator was scheduled to start next action at 10 AM its only starting may 30 mins post that , and because of that it just creates the action and marks it as skipped with message current time is later than the nominal time of the next action Question : Why is oozie not creating the action when it should ? I have checked CPU utilization and memory utilization of server thinking server unable to trigger the action but server stats looks good ( CPU under 50 , memory under 20 %) 2018-01-08 13:55:58,572 INFO org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInputCheckXCommand: SERVER[xxxxxxx.internal] USER[-] GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[0014607-171123123643404-oozie-oozi-C] ACTION[0014607-171123123643404-oozie-oozi-C@299] LAST_ONLY execution: Preparing to skip action [0014607-171123123643404-oozie-oozi-C@299] because the current time [2018-01-08T13:55Z] is later than the nominal time [2018-01-08T13:55Z] of the next action] <coordinator-app name="${co_pend_publish}" start="${startTime}" end="${endTime}" timezone="${timezone}" frequency="${pend_pub_coord_frequency}" xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.2">
<dataset initial-instance="${startTime}" name="publish_flag" frequency="5" timezone="${timezone}">
<data-in name="publish_flag_event" dataset="publish_flag">
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Apache Oozie