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1376 | 01-16-2019 07:21 PM |
05:45 PM
1 Kudo
I receive JSON data from kafka with from_json() method. It expects schema from me. My JSON structure like this;
{ "Items": { "key1": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "val": "" } ], "key2": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "val": "" } ], "key3": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "val": "" } ] }
Key1, Key2, Key3 are dynamic. So, they may be changed. For example, another json is;
{ "Items": { "hortoworks": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "val": "" } ], "community": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "val": "" } ], "question": [ { "id": "", "name": "", "val": "" } ] }
These key names are unknown. But "id-name-val" fields inside these keys are the same. I must define a json schema for read data from Kafka in Spark Structured Streaming. How can I do this?
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
Apache Spark
04:44 PM
Nifi has HBase 1.1.2 client version. Can I use HBase 2.x version this HBase controller service?
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache NiFi
08:08 PM
I have disabled Hyper-V. It worked. Thank you so much.
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11:54 AM
I have donwloaded HDP 3.0.1, and then installed in Virtualbox(its version greater than 5.1). But I am getting this error. Virtualization is enabled in BIOS. Also, Hyper -v was installed. What I will do? Note: I run Virtualbox as Adminastor.
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
10:07 PM
@David Miller You are right. But s2s etc. not suitable for my scenario. There are many reasons.
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06:30 PM
Yes, I am getting nodeAddress and its status from "rest-api/controller/cluster" for create http endpoint. I will send flowFile to other active nodes after i prepare URL. For example; Result of "rest-api/controller/cluster"; {
"cluster": {
"nodes": [
"nodeId": "node1Id" ,
"address": "node1Address",
"apiPort": 9999,
"status": "CONNECTED",
"heartbeat": "value",
"connectionRequested": "value",
"roles": [],
"activeThreadCount": 0,
"queued": "value",
"events": [{
"timestamp": "value",
"category": "value",
"message": "value"
"nodeStartTime": "value"
"nodeId": "node2Id" ,
"address": "node2Address",
"apiPort": 9999,
"status": "CONNECTED",
"heartbeat": "value",
"connectionRequested": "value",
"roles": ["PRIMARY"],
"activeThreadCount": 0,
"queued": "value",
"events": [{
"timestamp": "value",
"category": "value",
"message": "value"
"nodeStartTime": "value"
"generated": "value"
}<br> I get node1Address and node2Address(if they CONNECTED) values from this json. Then, I am creating URL like this; http://node1Address:9999/contentListener Then, I will send post request to listenHttp(running on each node) using postHttp with this URL. ListenHttp(running on the each node) will listen to the this path and retrieve the data.
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09:34 PM
@David Miller "But it sounds like you are trying to do something that would be better served by just running a completely independent flow on each node." -- Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do. So I'm reviewing all possible scenarios. Thank you.
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09:10 PM
@Matt Clarke I will look for answers to these questions.. Then I'll re-edit this question. Thank you so much.
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09:03 PM
@Matt Clarke Yes, I know that some data stuck in connection queues. But I have to use postHttp(primary node) and listenHttp for distribute data to cluster. Because, I want to send the same FlowFile to same node. For this, "Partition By Attribute" may be used. Even, its great for this scenario. But, if any node downs, some data will be waiting in the unavailable queue. But i don't want this. Because, i will lose data due to these data that waiting in the unavailable queue. Also, Roun-roind is available. But, it doesn't same data to same node. For this, I will use postHttp and listenHttp for distribute data to cluster. Thank you
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06:40 PM
I will send request to ListenHttp(running on each node) using PostHTTP(running on only primary node). For this, i am getting nodes address from nifi rest-api(/controller/cluster). And i prepare URL like this; http://nodeAddress:port/contentListener Can I successfully send request to ListenHttp processors in each node with PostHttp using this URL?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi