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04:38 PM
Hi @christophe menichetti, As @Predrag Monodic mentioned, you can use Blueprints for non-UI based installs. Unfortunately, the UI Wizard will not allow you to generate a Blueprint and Cluster Creation template after you gone through all the screens. The simplest way to generate a Blueprint to start with is to try the following: 1. On a local VM cluster for testing (vagrant, docker, etc), create a cluster that has the services, components, and configuration that you are interested in deploying in your production cluster. 2. Use the UI to deploy this local cluster, going through all the normal screens in the wizard. 3. You can then export the Blueprint from this running cluster. This REST call will generate a Blueprint based on the currently-running cluster you setup in Step #2. 4. Save this Blueprint, and customize it as necessary. 5. Create a Cluster Creation Template that matches hostnames to the host groups from the exported Blueprint. Please note that you may want to manually rename the host groups in the exported Blueprint, as they are generated using a "host_group_n" convention, which may not be useful for documenting your particular cluster. You can check out the following link on the Blueprints wiki to see how to make the REST call to export the Blueprint from a running cluster: Hope this helps!
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11:18 AM
1 Kudo
Client means a set of binaries and libraries to run commands and develop software for a particular Hadoop service. So, if you install Hive client you can run beeline, if you install HBase client you can run HBase shell and so on. Typically you install all clients on so-called Edge (or Gateway) nodes, used by end-users to access cluster services. Some clients are also installed in the background (by Ambari) on master nodes for related services, like hdfs clients on NNs. Clients are passive components, unlike Data node, Node manager etc. they don't run unless someone starts related binaries.
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