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1050 | 06-28-2017 11:35 AM |
10:39 PM
Thank you very much @Sonu Sahi and @Eyad Garelnabi. I shall follow the views expressed above. Regards, Manoj.
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02:21 PM
Hi, I am a BI Developer/Consultant, in particular, OBI EE. I know Oracle PL/SQL and have some exposure to Oracle Data Integrator. I have recently started knowing Hortonworks' Hadoop Big Data platform. I am unfamiliar with Java, Python or R. At this (st)age I am not sure, I can learn these programming languages. I understand that Hadoop consists of several technologies. Of course, I can consider Hadoop Architectural career path. What I would like to know now is, is there any specific component in the Hortonworks' Hadoop ecosystem that can complement to my traditional DW/BI skills? I would like to concentrate on those now. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Regards, Manoj.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
10:42 PM
Thanks @Sonu Sahi. Please let me know what's the outcome.
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03:13 PM
Hi, I am trying to load a tab delimited text file in Hive using Upload Table interface in HDP 2.6 Sandbox. I am able to upload files using the Upload Table interface when the files are comma or pipe separated. However, when it's a tab delimited, all data is displayed in a single column in preview and also the table definition below, is a single columnar, by default. I don't know what the issue is. The file was downloaded from web, but when I create another similar file manually, that also gets into problem (the table definition has only one column). Could anyone please help? Thank you. Regards, Manoj.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
11:35 AM
1 Kudo
Installed Chrome and the issue is not observed now.
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08:09 AM
Hi, I have a HDP 2.6 sandbox. I am trying to add a key to Hive's setting tab as required by HIVE - Data ETL tutorial. As per the tutorial, for 'hive.execution.engine' key, the value needs to be set to 'tez'. However, either I select the key from the drop-down menu options or type in the key parameter, the UI is not accepting the value; the 'Key' box remains blank. I tried hitting the ENTER key (keyboard) or using the TAB key on the keyboard, but the key (selected or typed in) is not displayed in the KEY parameter box. Is there any issue here? If so, what is the solution? I am using IE 11 and the user I am logged in as is 'maria_dev'. Please help. Thanks in advance. Regards, Manoj.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Tez
08:06 PM
Hi @Jay SenSharma, Thanks for a quick reply. You are right, it's not a 'zip' file, it's an 'Open Virtualization Format Archive' file which I mistakenly assumed to be a zip file. Interestingly, it could be unzipped (using 7-zip) and also, without unzipping, was imported into the Manager. Thank you. Regards, Manoj.
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07:43 PM
Hi, I downloaded HDP 2.6 Sandbox twice and on both the occasions, the 7-Zip utility showed me "Unexpected End of Data" error/message. I could however, unzip the archive and import the appliance into Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager. Do I need to be concerned due to the message displayed? Please let me know. Thank you. Regards, Manoj.
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
11:10 AM
Hi, This is my first question here. I am very new to Hadoop, Big Data and Hortonworks. I have created a five node (Virtual Machines) setup to get started. One VM is assigned for Ambari, another is a master node and the remaining are for data nodes. When creating a passwordless SSH setup, do I need to create a setup from the master node and data nodes to Ambari node only, or from all nodes to all nodes? Thanks in advance, Regards, Manoj.
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hadoop