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8149 | 01-27-2016 04:47 PM |
01:40 AM
I did this in root user, found the file and changed it there. But, how to change it for each node?
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07:35 PM
Unfortunately, today the answer is no.
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09:03 PM
@Sushil Saxena It seems like there are likely to be multiple versions of hive jars. When I state multiple version of hive jars meaning there different hdp release hive jars in the oozie share lib location. Was this a upgraded cluster from 2.1.x/2.2.x to 2.3.4 release?. One thing that I can suggest here is to perform the following provided you have not copied over thirdparty jars like oracle jar/ mysql jar file to the oozie share lib location. If you have then you would need to copy over all the 3rd party jars again to hdfs. From the oozie server host, using oozie user: 1. hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/oozie/share/lib -> to remove the lib folder completely 2. cd to /usr/hdp/current/oozie-client/bin 3. run "./ sharelib create -fs <get the fs.defaultFS from core-site.xml>" 4. Restart Oozie service This should help to address the issue.
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07:41 PM
@Swaapnika Guntaka That will run independently it won't interfere with the Mysql or any other database.Falcon doesn't use the classic db's like run. Before you proceed make sure Falcon is not running ,kill any rogue falcon process
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01:30 AM
1 Kudo
Sushil Saxena: Regarding issue in Falcon there is FALCON-1787 jira created.
If you are running Falcon process, updating "oozie.action.sharelib.for.pig" in Oozie-site.xml will not help. Falcon generates the pig action at the run time & generates the workflow, it uses pig-action.xml defined in Falcon codebase. pig-action.xml that Falcon uses does not have hive in the share lib config "oozie.action.sharelib.for.pig".
Workflow action configuration generated by Falcon is overriding the one defined in ooze-site.xml.
Few work arounds:
1> In the process entity definition add new custom property. Resubmit the process.
<property name="oozie.action.sharelib.for.pig" value="hive,pig,hcatalog"/>
2> Update pig-action.xml to have hive in the share lib config and repackage falcon-oozie-adaptor-<version>.jar and replace jar at "/usr/hdp/current/falcon-server/webapp/falcon/WEB-INF/lib” and restart Falcon
3> If you have Falcon code downloaded then update pig-action.xml at oozie/src/main/resources/action/process/pig-action.xml and then build falcon and reinstall it
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07:55 AM
sir i have also same error but not got exact solution ....please help me javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials]
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02:06 PM
Thanks Jonas. Your suggestion of exporting this env variable also works when you are trying to connect and work with a remote cluster, while retaining all the configurations of a local development environment.
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05:18 PM
Thanks for letting us know. Solr is included with HDP Search with HDP 2.3. You install from repo using instructions here: The official Solr stack service for Ambari is on the roadmap. Until then, for test/dev envs you can use one of these (not for use in prod envs):
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11:47 AM
Hi @Junichi Oda, We have the same error in the Ranger log, even when the groupnames are filled: ERROR LdapUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - sink.addOrUpdateUser failed with exception: org/apache/commons/httpclient/URIException, for user: userX, groups: [groupX, groupY] I have inspected the sourcecode from ranger-0.6 which is part of HDP- our current version of the stack. Interesting enough all calls to remote server inside LdapUserGroupBuilder.addOrUpdateUser(user, groups) are wrapped in a try-catch(Exception e). There is addUser, addUserGroupInfo and delXUserGroupInfo. But we don't see that in the log. The addOrUpdateUser is wrapped with try-catch(Throwable t). Looks like its an Error not an Exception! I found this RANGER-804 ticket revering to missing classes. I copied the jars in '/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/lib' from another folder. The code runs but I have a Certificate PKI error at the moment because we use LDAPS, but looks like this might get you further. Greetings, Alexander
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