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5594 | 08-18-2017 05:43 AM | |
17668 | 05-19-2017 11:54 PM |
05:43 AM
Thank you @Sonu Sahi for the response. I checked your colleague's blog. He is using password file but not the password alias (credential provider) which is saving password in keystore instead of file. Any way I finally figure out how to make it work. In case some one else need this in the future, I paste my solution here: The option file: import -connect
"jdbc:sqlserver://host:1433;database=DB1" Script for Sqoop job defination: sqoop job --create sqoop_test -- options-file db.props --username sqoop_ro --password-alias sqoop_ro.passwd --target-dir /XXX --query 'select ....' This works for me. Thanks
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07:10 PM
I'm able to use credential provider to encrypt password. Also be able to use it with sqoop command. But I can't work it out if I want to put connection string in option files. Anybody can give me some clue ? Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache Sqoop
07:24 PM
Same issue with script Command not found. It's a pain. You don't have this issue ? @Sonu Sahi
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05:40 PM
I'm able to open Nifi UI by http://localhost:19090/nifi/ . Maybe I can ignore the script error ?
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05:36 PM
Yes, I'm able to log on and Can't open Have issue with the tutorial script . It says virtualBox command not found. @Sonu Sahi
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12:02 AM
Hi @Sonu Sahi . Any idea with below error? I tried this script in both virtualBox and Vmware. Neither works. In VirtualBox, it complains vboxmanage not found. Thanks [root@sandbox-hdf ~]# ./auto_scripts/
HDF Sandbox Virtual Environment Selection Menu
'Docker' - is my environment 'VirtualBox' - is my environment
Enter the 'virtual environment' for HDF Sandbox: VirtualBox You entered HDF Sandbox runs on: VirtualBox
Start VirtualBox VM's Docker HDF Sandbox...
./auto_scripts/virtualbox-scripts/ line 3: vboxmanage: command not found
Starting Ambari Services, may take 2.5 minutes...
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11:54 PM
2 Kudos
Finally I figured out the reason. I downloaded the HDF sandbox vmware image. When I click the file to open, it pop up and automatically opened by virtualbox which can't work correctly for the network part. Realized this, I turned off and opened in VMWare. Issue gone. Thanks for your help.
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11:04 PM
Thank you @Sonu Sahi for your response. I'm actually also using virtual box. Attached is my screenshot: NOt sure what's wrong. My network configuration also NAT.
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05:46 PM
Yes, the VM setup is using NAT, After I started the VM. Before press ALT+F5, The VMware says "please open a browser's address field: However I got "connection time out " error. I press ALT+F5 to log in the Vmware as root user. Then tried "ssh -p 2222 root@" it doesn't work. @Sonu Sahi Could you help check if you did the same but got different result ? Thanks
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10:42 PM
1 Kudo
I have been able to connect to HDP sanbox by ssh -p 2222. But with the new HDF sandbox, I was stuck again with the "connection refused" error. After I brought up the sandbox, I tried the URL "" but just got timeout error. Any idea ? @mqureshi
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi