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08:26 PM
Hi, I was able to load most of the data with putdatabase record. But few of the files fail with data exception as invalid character between the quote and delimiter. |"COMPANION\SMALL ANIMAL RESIDEN"|"COMPANION\" My assumption is \ is causing error. Is there any easy way to handle that in CSVReader inside PutDatabase processor? or do I need to do something else. My quote character is " in csv reade r My escape character is \ My assumption is since escape character is same as value present inside the column value, error is thrown. May I know how to resolve this? Thanks, Khaja
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:22 PM
Thanks Shu. I was not successful with that in my scenario. Here is my flow. Get file names first from list of files and then pass that filenames with pattern match to next flow . GetFile(Where file names are present) --> Extract Text(Retreive Filenames. Used Attributes with delimiter to get filenames)--> Pass it to Next Processor . Cannot connect ExtractText to GetFIle so tried FetchFile but stuck with pattern match.
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03:09 AM
@Shu : In my case, I cant use listfile+fetchfile as mentioned above. I have to get part of file name and pass that to fetchfile. is it possible to fetch as I mentioned in my initial thread
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11:18 PM
I would be passing attribute to fetchfile processor to fetch file names that match my criteria Attribute from previous processor: ps_address.txt File to be fetched: SSMP_XXCY_PS_ADDRESS_2019_06_27.txt May I know how to pass parameter to fetch file so that this gets picked up? I tried entering * as pattern match but it didn't work. any suggestions please? Thanks, Khaja
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi