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06:07 PM
@Wynner Thanks for the suggestion, I have not tried this yet but will have to check with the server administrator to see if this is something they don't mind trying. Jason
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06:06 PM
@Vinicius Higa Murakami - Thanks for the suggestion. I looked at the post you sent and tried to access some of the steps but it seems that I don't have the file that was suggested. I am running zookeeper as part of a Kafka download and it does not have this file. We have a current project that is utilizing Kafka and I decided to try connecting from there as well but no luck either. Jason
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02:27 AM
@Vinicius Higa Murakami -- I just tried the command again with the zookeeper parameter and got the following: GROUP
TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG OWNER Could not fetch offset from kafka for group
console-consumer-96628 partition [test,0] due to org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotCoordinatorForGroupException:
This is not the correct coordinator for this group.. console-consumer-96628 test 0 unknown 56 unknown none Any thoughts you have on this output would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your help! Jason
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10:04 PM
@Vinicius Higa Murakami -- So I tried the first command and it returned console-consumer-96628. I then tried to use that name in the second command like this but think I got something wrong because it doesn't accept it: bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group console-consumer-96628. I was also talking to a co-worker who uses Kafka more and we were wondering if I have to create a consumer group and then assign my topic to that group. Then on the Nifi end I would have to supply that proper Group Id in the processor? So far I usually just put some value like 0 in for the Group Id on the processor and hoped it would connect directly without actually needing the group. Thanks for your help! Jason
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06:48 PM
@Vinicius Higa Murakami -- Regarding your questions, I have posted my responses below: What about the port from zookeeper? (2181 by default). - Do you mean by using port 2181 instead of port 9092 in the Consume Kafka Processor? If so, I have open port 2181 and have changed the Kafka broker to but still nothing came over. And could you check if there's any extra consumer group (probably used by Nifi Processor) - By extra consumer group do you mean another processor that is also trying to consume the same topic on that same port? If so, I can confirm that I have only one processor trying to access Kafka in this NiFi model. I had the same set up in NiFi 1.5 but that processor has been stopped and that instance of NiFi is not running. Kafka logs are showing something? - I have checked the Controller logs and the server logs and I only see the following: From the Controller Logs
2018-06-06 17:55:15,642] TRACE [Controller 0]: checking need to trigger partition rebalance (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2018-06-06 17:55:15,642] DEBUG [Controller 0]: preferred replicas by broker Map(0 -> Map([test,0] -> List(0))) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2018-06-06 17:55:15,642] DEBUG [Controller 0]: topics not in preferred replica Map() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2018-06-06 17:55:15,643] TRACE [Controller 0]: leader imbalance ratio for broker 0 is 0.000000 (kafka.controller.KafkaController) I do not see any errors or warnings. Kafka is running on a Free Tier Linux within in Amazon Ec2 so I know there are restrictions of size and memory usages but since I was able to configure Kafka to use less memory it works fine within that local environment. I don't think that is the issue here but just thought to mention it. Jason
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03:16 PM
@Wynner - Nifi 1.6 is running on Windows Server 2016 hosted on Amazon Ec2
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09:51 PM
Hi, I feel like this question has been asked before in similar ways but each response has yet to yield a result that has yet to work for me. So, I have an Amazon Linux machine with Apache Kafka 0.10.0 on it and when I start zookeeper and kafka I am able to successfully produce and consume messages on that machine. On a separate Amazon Windows server I have Apache Nifi 1.6 installed and I am using the Consume Kafka 0_10 processor to try and receive messages from the topic that was created on my standalone kafka install (Linux machine). I have tried to use the ip address of the Linux machine as the broker within the NiFi processor with port 9092 as well as the Ec2 instance name but neither show any data coming in when I manually type in messages from the Kafka producer on the Linux machine. There are no errors produced in the logs of NiFi and I I know that port 9092 is open so I would think the messages would come through. In the file for Kafka I have the listeners set to listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092 (bases on some stack overflow post recommendation). In that same file I also have advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:// I have also tried NiFi 1.5 and to see if this was a version issue but nothing seems to work. I would think that if Nifi is not producing errors, the proper ports are open and I can produce and consume locally to Linux machine then I would think there should be no reason the Consume Kafka 0_10 couldn't pick up the messages I type and parse them into a flow file. Sorry for the long question but if anyone has some insight on this issue please let me know. Thanks, Jason
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Apache NiFi
09:10 PM
@Matt Clarke - I am thinking I should ask this on another post but was curious what the proper kafka tool was for retrieving messages from a kafka topic, Consume or Get? Get looks like it's for older versions and I have been trying to use Consume_010 on Nifi 1.6. Maybe a compatibility issue between 1.6 and my kafka installation? Thanks, Jason
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07:55 PM
@Matt Clarke -- Thanks for the forum tip as well as the previous suggestions. I was able to get the ListenTCP working properly. Jason
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06:15 PM
Hey Matt, Thanks for the response. Yes, I am trying to receive data on a TCP port in Nifi. I have now switched the processor to Listen TCP and specified the port number that I want to listen on. I left the LAN option blank and I am now getting some new errors listed below: 2018-05-31 18:05:58,393 ERROR [Monitor Processore Lifecycle Thread-1] o.a.nifi.processors.standard.ListenTCP ListenTCP[id=b74d9e21-0163-1000-391b-4e77cd11cf16] Failed to properly initialize Processor. If still scheduled to run, NiFi will attempt to initialize and run the Processor again after the 'Administrative Yield Duration' has elapsed. Failure is due to java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null Caused by: Address already in use: bind We have tested that the port is listening using netstat commands and it shows that only one listener is coming up so I am not sure what else could be binding the address? Is there a setting somewhere to get around this because if the data is pushing from a remote server to NiFi on this port wouldn't it essentially be connecting to that port? Thanks, Jason
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