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2136 | 08-16-2016 12:20 PM |
12:20 PM
I added a comment to Lester's response above yesterday... it looks like you can't see it unless you click a link to show more details. At any rate, to answer your question, in this scenario pig scripts are working fine in the grunt shell. It appears something may have gotten corrupted in the Ambari view, as recreating it with the same settings (that were set up following the Ambari Views documentation) did give a view that is now working fine. This issue is resolved for me. It may be worth noting, just for interest sake, that this is the first time this Pig view has worked on this cluster. Originally when it was set up with Ambari 2.1.0 there was an error that, upon researching, looked like it was related to a bug that had been fixed in Ambari 2.2.0. After upgrading Ambari I got the error above. Now that it has been recreated it is working fine.
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04:30 PM
How do you do this? I have no idea how to delete the entry in the ambari database
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