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05:15 PM
I am seeing lot of curl commands to trigger the NIFI dataflow through REST API's. I would like to know if I can use Python to do similar triggers or curl is the only one recommended? If I can use python as well, can someone explain me how should I construct the headers and binary data and pass the object using Requests module. Thanks for the help.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
05:50 PM
@Harald Berghoff @Matt Burgess I looks like its working Harald. There was a small mistake in the path of script which after corrected, is executing the script. I am able to see the print statements in the governance data of the ExecuteStreamCommand processor. However I don't see or confirm if it has connected to ADL or not as I don't see any files written in the folder I specify. I will continue to research but if you have some thoughts, please let me know. As of now, it doesn't give me any import error (of Azure packages) or any other dependency errors.
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02:28 PM
@Harald Berghoff @Matt Burgess Is there any syntax like path of exe or script should be within quotes or any other command format. I am not seeing resources shedding enough light.
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02:08 PM
@Harald Berghoff @Matt Burgess I don't see a luck. I am giving full path with python.exe in the command argument. Full path of script file including script in the command path. I still see the same error.
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12:48 PM
@Harald Berghoff @Matt Burgess I’m following as per the first link you have provided. My python script is locally present on my windows desktop and I provide the path of the script in the executestreamcommand configuration. To an extent all packages of python azure uses .py files but I’m not sure if those packages in turn uses any other .so or jar files. With respect to your answer on making calls to win32 API, I don’t know how can I control it if it should be create process or shell execute. In fact that is the idea I’m looking for here. My understanding from google research is that we can execute any python script using the local python engine using executestreamcommand processor provided you configure it to make a shellexecute command. Right now I’m not providing any command in the command argument and so it by default takes my script as . exe and failing. Just for an idea how we execute the script from our command prompt, “ full path of python.exe full path of script file arguments” if we can give a command similar to this in the executecommandprocessor, it may work. All these are just my understanding based on the details I collected. If you can help me much appreciated. Thank you so much for your quick responses as well.
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11:38 AM
@Harald Berghoff @Matt Burgess Should I understand that I cannot execute a script but only a.exe application.? Because I want to connect to Azure datalake through aPython script and when I use Executescript processor, nifi is not identifying all modules related to azure that I import in the python script. Kindly help.
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03:37 AM
I am trying to execute a python script in executestreamcommand processor. The script takes the flowfile via STDIN and writes to ADLS. When I configured and run the processors, I am getting the create processerror = 193 error. Google search sows that the script has to be executed as a ShellExecute. I dont get what it is. Can anyone provide me that command I should pass in the commandarguments property of the executestreamcommand processor. Thanks for the help.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:53 AM
Hi Balalaika, I dont understand the answer you have posted. Can you please explain a bit more? Also from where does the obj comes in the OutputWrite class?
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02:54 PM
@Shu - The config is same as what you have given and still I get the same result. Not sure where the mistake is.
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02:15 PM
Shu, I tried now removing the key and still it throws the same error.
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