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07:17 AM
3 Kudos
Microservice applications prefer OpenID SSO by existing IDP, for example Keycloak. When these application access Hadoop Services with JWT, Knox should be able to verify and proxy to internal services. This article describe how to configure Knox JWT Provider and customize for your IDP requirement. There are two options. KnoxSSO direct integrate with IDP KnoxSSO, Knox Single Sign On service, integrates with IDP, for example Keycloak. After authenticated by IDP, Knox signs a JWT token for all microservices and Hadoop RESTful services. This solution is complex to configure and Knox could become the performance bottleneck. Knox JWTProvider accept jwt signed by other IDP Microservices still use current IDP for single sign on, and configure an extra Knox topology to accept other IDP signed JWT token. The second solution has less impact on existing architecture and Knox is only used when access Hadoop services. Here we will focus on this solution, and discuss how to configure Knox and what is the limitation. Add a JWTProvider Knox topology JWTProvider is explained Current Ambari can't edit extra Knox topology, have to add it in command line. # ssh Knox node
$ sudo su - knox
# Add the new topology named jwt
$ vim jwt.xml
<!-- knox.token.audiences is optional -->
<!-- Add Hadoop Services allowed jwt access, here use Yarn UI as an example -->
</topology> Add Knox Token Service in knoxsso toplogy for test <service>
<!-- knox.token.audiences is optional, must meet what's configured in JWTProvider -->
</service> Test Knox jwt toplogy Enable Knox demo ldap as knoxsso source accounts. Get a knoxsso jwt token. $ curl -ivku guest:guest-password https://{KNOX_NODE}:8443/gateway/knoxsso/knoxtoken/api/v1/token
{"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCIsImF1ZCI6InRva2VuYmFzZWQiLCJpc3MiOiJLTk9YU1NPIiwiZXhwIjoxNTI4MjgxODQ3fQ.i2Y3MMGbTW9M-wHStL7TuwjmL_rYmTGRjN_7QK0KB8EfLxKJzL2zRFEU8USxyFAchDJ-3vDdLaU8UPsTCVufo9UT5p8ywSlBgulFsOzIYuq-YVIqATpJZVZIJWCnoGHjXuTZHXeRreyjAs6cFsiiqsDwL8rCxnAmtBQeoX9fsAI","token_type":"Bearer ","expires_in":1528281847804}
Use this token to access Yarn UI $ curl -ivk -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCIsImF1ZCI6InRva2VuYmFzZWQiLCJpc3MiOiJLTk9YU1NPIiwiZXhwIjoxNTI4MjgxODQ3fQ.i2Y3MMGbTW9M-wHStL7TuwjmL_rYmTGRjN_7QK0KB8EfLxKJzL2zRFEU8USxyFAchDJ-3vDdLaU8UPsTCVufo9UT5p8ywSlBgulFsOzIYuq-YVIqATpJZVZIJWCnoGHjXuTZHXeRreyjAs6cFsiiqsDwL8rCxnAmtBQeoX9fsAI" admin should be able to view the UI html contents, and guest would be blocked. Also can find the entries in Ranger Audit. Decode knoxsso jwt token Decode the jwt HEADER
"alg": "RS256"
"sub": "guest",
"aud": "tokenbased",
"iss": "KNOXSSO",
"exp": 1528281847
} Microservice Application JWT Verification Synchronise certificates between Knox and IDP IDP use private certificate to sign JWT, and Knox use public certificate to verify the JWT. The certificate pair must match for the verification. In current Knox version, public key is not supported, have to configure public certificate as following example. Knox only supports keypair JWT signature algorithms, RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512. RS256 is default and not configurable in HDP2.6. Get public certificate from IDP. $ cat knox-pub.pem
In Knox JWT topology, configure the verification public certificate. <provider>
JWT Issuer By default Knox only accept JWT with "iss": "KNOXSSO". Need to verify if IDP, for example Keycloak can customize it. Alternatively, can override this in Knox configuration. Add following parameters in Ambari Knox Custom gateway-site jwt.expected.issuer=CUSTOM_SSO
jwt.expected.sigalg=RS256 However this new feature is only available in HDP3.x. Before upgrade to HDP3, have to hard code jwt issuer as "KNOXSSO". User Account ID Current Knox can only parse user account from jwt parameter "sub": "guest". If IDP, for example Ping Federation, uses "client_id", it would be a problem. And the value should be consistent with account id synchronized into Ranger. Normally it is uid in OpenLDAP. JWT audiences This is optional. It must meet what's configured in knox.token.audiences Known Issues Knox json parser issue Before HDP2.6.5, Knox json parser doesn't support complex json raw format with multiple keys. Knox treats it as invalid json format, and throw NullpointException. Workaround JSON Issue For HDP2.6.3, manually replace dependant JSON jar files. SSH into every Knox node. $ cd /usr/hdp/ $ sudo wget $ sudo wget $ sudo wget $ sudo wget $ sudo mv json-path-0.9.1.jar json-path-0.9.1.jar.bak $ sudo mv nimbus-jose-jwt-4.11.jar nimbus-jose-jwt-4.11.jar.bak $ sudo mv json-smart-1.2.jar json-smart-1.2.jar.bak Restart Knox from Ambari
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03:55 PM
Short Description How to setup popular SQL development tools, like DbVisualizer, to access HDP Hive in secured network zone via Knox. Article Most customers setup Hadoop/Hive cluster in secured network Zone. There's no direct network connection between office and Hadoop network. So Knox is always setup to proxy Hive connections from office network. This article will setup DbVisualizer to connect to Knox Hive URL step by step. Download Hive Driver for HDP2.6.1 Download hive-jdbc.jar The latest for HDP2.6.1 is Create a new Database Driver use the hive-jdbc.jar URL Format: jdbc:hive2://<server>:<port10000>/<database> The URL Format is for standard hive2 jdbc, will change later in actual connection for Knox. Create a new Connection with this new Driver Use Database URL, and edit the
Database URL as jdbc:hive2://<KNOX_NODE_FQDN>:<port>/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=<KNOX_HIVE_HTTPPATH> Default knox hive http path is gateway/default/hive, but please double check with your system admin. Add Knox node certificate or CA certificate into
DbVisualizer JVM truststore, otherwise will get SSL Exception during DB
connection. Check the Java Home of DbVisualizer. Then add Knox node certificate or CA certificate into the truststore $ sudo keytool -import
-alias knox -file wb-e.crt.pem -keystore /Library/InternetPlug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts
Enter keystore password:changeit Enjoy DbVisualizer
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08:16 PM
1 Kudo
LDAP security options LDAP over SSL Traditionally, LDAP connection is wrapped with SSL/TLS, and
via a separate service port, normally 636. The protocol is ldaps://. To be
aware, it’s not just over SSL, depends on configuration, can over TLS as well. LDAP with StartTLS Alternatively, StartTLS extended operation enable encrypted
connection after the initial unencrypted connection, via the same plain ldap
port, normally 389. If you don’t configure properly, it could be over SSL, not
always with TLS. This protocol is new, normally is used to upgrade the plain
ldap port 389 to be secure. But not all customer have configured it in AD/LDAP
server. Most common cases are still use ldaps for secure ldap connection. So this
article is focusing on LDAPS. Components support LDAPS Most of HDP/HDF components support LDAPS. Ambari,
NiFi, Ranger Usersync, Ranger Admin, Zeppelin, Knox. But Atlas still only supports LDAP. General Configure LDAPS Steps
Verify LDAPS certificate To connect to ldaps service, first thing we need to get the AD/LDAPS
CA certificate. And should verify it’s the correct certificate. $ openssl s_client -CAfile ${LDAPS_SERVER_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE} -connect ${LDAPS_SERVER_FQDN}:636 -showcerts -verify 32 For example $ openssl s_client -CAfile ./AD-CA.crt -connect -showcerts -verify 32 Expect
return "Verify return code: 0 (ok)". Otherwise need to check with the AD/LDAP team to find the
correct certificate file or check the certificate file format.
Test ldapsearch Then we need to use the certificate and ldap bind account to test
ldapsearch, to verify we have the correct credential of the binding account. $ LDAPTLS_CACERT=${LDAPS_SERVER_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE} -H ldaps://${LDAPS_SERVER_FQDN}:636 -D ${LDAP_BIND_USER_ACCOUNT} -b ${BASE_OU} "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=*))" For example $ LDAPTLS_CACERT=./AD-CA.crt ldapsearch -H ldaps:// -D "hadoopldapuser@datalake.hadoop.internal" -b "OU=Hadoop,DC=DataLake,DC=Hadoop,DC=Internal" "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=*))" Expect return some AD/LDAP accounts.
Add the certificate into Truststore $ keytool -import -file ${LDAPS_SERVER_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE} -alias LDAPS-CA -keystore truststore.jks For example $ keytool -import -file ./AD-CA.crt -alias LDAPS-CA -keystore truststore.jks
Configure components truststore and ldaps Components have slightly different configure for the ldaps.
But normally need to configure the truststore and truststore password, and base
OU, bind account, search filters. Detail configurations will be discussed in other articles.
... View more
12:14 AM
When NiFi flow runs in mission critical production environment, customer would concern about how to change NiFi flow logic but don't impact business. One solution was implemented in customer production is as follow steps: 1. Add an extra non-logic processor, for example "UpdateAttribute", between ListenPort and main ProcessGroup 2. Updated NewProcessGroup, add into canvas 3. Stop "UpdateAttribute" process, make sure RunningProcessGroup consume all flowfiles in the previous queue. But client components can still send messages to Listen Port 4. After all queued flowfiles are processed by RunningProcessGroup, move the queue end connection to the NewProcessGroup 5. Start "UPdateAttribute" process and NewProcessGroup 6. At the end, remove the old RunningProcessGroup Follow these steps, the production flow change is transparent for client components, and guarantee no data lost.
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10:52 PM
Find the problem. change ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchfilter=(sAMAccountName={0}) to ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchfilter=(sAMAccountName=*) The problem solved.
... View more
06:17 PM
2 Kudos
Background After Kerberos HDP/HDF cluster, some native admin UI will return "401 Authentication required". For example, Ambari
Infra Solr Admin UI This is because the web UI is configured for SPNEGO (Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism) to extend Kerberos to HTTP. Client must have a valid Kerberos ticket and send by browser. Mac Kerberos Client Configuration Kerberos software is installed by default in Mac OS, but need to add configure file to access your KDC server. $ sudo vi /Library/Preferences/
default_realm = "HORTONWORKS.COM"
dns_fallback = "yes"
noaddresses = "TRUE"
admin_server = ""
default_domain = ""
kdc = ""
} Firefox Configuration type about:config search negotiate-auth Option1 Command Line command line to init a kerberos ticket $ kinit hadoopadmin@HORTONWORKS.COM
hadoopadmin@HORTONWORKS.COM's password: list the ticket $ klist Option2 Ticket Viewer Go to Ticket Viewer Folder CoreServices Go to the folder: /System/Library/CoreServices/ Find Ticket Viewer Add Identity Then you can see the identity Access UI again
... View more
12:54 AM
So what about Ranger User Sync? How to do HA for User Sync? Regards
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04:22 PM
Hi, Actually, the flowfile in the queue before the PutSplunk does contain only one json. For some reason the Splunk group them together. If I choose different json type (no timestamp) in splunk data, then each json in one event. But @Bryan Bende's "Message Delimiter" worth to be added. Regards, Wendell
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07:54 PM
Hi, I'm using PutSplunk processor to sink syslogs in json format to Splunk server. But on Splunk side, I see multiple json are grouped in one event. How can I configure my PutSplunk and Splunk server to see one json for each event? Regards, Wendell
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05:32 PM
Hi @smagyari I did try to add users.admin in the blueprint. The password still needs to be manually added on the UI. {
"hst-server-conf": {
"properties": {
"": "Hortonworks PS EMEA",
"agent.request.processing.timeout": "7200",
"client.threadpool.size.max": "40",
"": "/var/lib/smartsense/hst-server/data",
"gateway.registration.port": "9450",
"gateway.port": "9451",
"": "",
"agent.request.syncup.interval": "180",
"": "embedded",
"server.port": "9000",
"server.tmp.dir": "/var/lib/smartsense/hst-server/tmp",
"": "A-88888888-C-88888888",
"users.admin": "admin"
Can you please double check whether there's a bug in Ambari? Regards, Wendell
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