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4744 | 09-07-2018 06:45 PM | |
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16661 | 01-10-2017 07:38 PM |
06:45 PM
1 Kudo
It's coming soon (goal is by the end of October). There will be a new HDP Search package that has Solr 7.4 and connectors for the new versions of HDFS and Hive that are in HDP 3.
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09:04 PM
1 Kudo
@tonybolt, Solr 7.0.1 was just released this afternoon.
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06:35 PM
1 Kudo
This is very likely, which has the net effect that Solr 7.0 cannot read indexes from any Solr 6.x version. To resolve this, a new release of Solr is in the works (7.0.1). The vote for this release is just nearing the end, so I would expect it to be released in the next 1-3 days.
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06:35 PM
1 Kudo
It's only documenting the fact that Solr has updated it's embedded ZooKeeper to 3.4.10. I don't know of any changes that would impact Solr 6.6 working with ZK 3.4.6.
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06:34 PM
1 Kudo
Just to add to the previous reply, the version of Solr in HDP Search is *exactly* the same as the same version downloaded direct from the Apache Solr project. Besides Solr, the benefits of the package are the connectors for indexing from HDFS, Hive, Pig, HBase, plus Storm and Spark development kits, and the Ambari integration.
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06:57 PM
2 Kudos
Solr also supports TTL, although I think if the docs are deleted from HBase they should be deleted in Solr automatically. In case you are interested in the Solr TTL feature, it's done through an UpdateRequestProcessor (URP). It's currently only documented in Solr's Javadocs: (replace the '6_4_0' part of that URL to get to the javadocs for your version; this URP has existed since Solr 4.8.0).
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06:37 PM
I believe this is a known issue with .zip archives and the Solr ExtractingRequestHandler (aka Solr Cell): The short version of the story is that Tika in this case is not configured to parse the .zip recursively. One of the other suggestions for NiFi processing may be worth exploring in this case.
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01:51 PM
1 Kudo
Great, thanks @Tony Bolt. I was able to trace the cause of the problem to a seemingly unrelated commit that occurred for the 6.4.0 release, and the good news is the fix has already been committed for an upcoming 6.4.2 release. The release process for that has already started, and we'd expect it to be out within 1-2 weeks. There is no patch to apply, but if you have the ability to build Solr from source, you could try to build locally with "branch_6_4", which is where 6.4.2 will come from, or "branch_6x", which also contains the same fix. If you can't do a local build for any reason, we do already have a 2nd confirmation that the problem is fixed with this upcoming release, so it's certainly not required or expected of you to test it at this point.
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03:39 PM
2 Kudos
I have duplicated this problem, and filed an issue in the Solr community: I don't know what is causing it, but it seems limited to Solr 6.4. I tried the same setup with Solr 6.3.0 and it worked fine. If you don't mind, I'd like to post a comment to that issue with a link to this forum thread to show that others have had the same problem.
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02:42 PM
When speaking about scaling capabilities of Solr, there are really only two modes: 1. Master/slave, which is one or more Solr servers running in standalone mode with what the community calls "legacy scaling" features enabled. 2. SolrCloud, which is one or more Solr servers running with ZooKeeper coordinating activity between them. Solr doesn't make the two really obvious, meaning there's no single switch to turn on or off to choose which mode. Both are a set of configuration options that are different depending on the mode you want to use. It's important to note master/slave is not really different from standalone mode because you can work for years with Solr running on a single server and then add index replication (and/or distributed queries) if you need it. It's harder to move from standalone to SolrCloud (although not impossible). Some documentation from the Solr Reference Guide might help: Master/Slave: SolrCloud:
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