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01:37 PM
If I make it blank and save, then it is defaulting to; maybe it is expecting a default value?
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01:33 PM
I think maybe I didn't explain it well. SKIP value is not in the rows, SKIP is in the column header. when we say col1 <> 'SKIP' i believe it will skip all rows with value 'SKIP' but my intention is to remove columns whose header is called 'SKIP' Here is an example of file header : FirstName|Skip|Skip|City|State|ZipCode|Skip|LastVisitDate|Skip|ExtId The file is not predefined, no of columns in a file will vary, header positions will vary, place where 'SKIP' can exist in the header will vary from file to file.
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04:17 PM
@Shu_ashu Skip is column header name, so how does the query look like to exclude columns whose header name is "SKIP"?
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04:15 PM
@Wynner It is giving an error as shown below, i have also uploaded screenshots of configuration for reference.
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03:47 PM
Hi, I have a CSV file where the last column has pipe-delimited text which needs to be split up on pipe and I have to pivot it into rows. The last column can have any number of values with pipe-delimited and it varies by each row. How can we accomplish this in NIFI? Ex: A, B, C|D X, Y, X|Y|Z|B The above file has to be converted to A, B, C A, B, D X, Y, X X, Y, Y X, Y, Z X, Y, B
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:46 PM
@Shu_ashu : Thank you so much for the link, it covers part of my need. The other thing is to assign the lookup value to attribute so I think the solution is ExecuteSQL -> ConvertAvroToJson -> EvaluateJsonPath can we do it in one step instead of 3 like above? All I am pulling is one field from the database table. Query: select id from table A
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03:39 PM
Hi, I am in need of SQL Server lookup, found this library but there are no good examples especially when dealing with incoming CSV text file. Appreciate if anybody can point me to an article or sample workflow that does something similar. Thanks in advance
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
03:36 PM
Hi, I think it is slightly different, it is remove header when a file is split in to smaller files where as for me it is one file with multiple columns with same header name and i need to ignore certain columns based on a column name.
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12:55 PM
Hi, I have a csv file with dynamic columns and headers and there are multiple columns with same header name "SKIP" that needs to be removed from the file before ingesting them into the database using PutDatabaseRecord. How can I delete the multiple columns with header name "SKIP'?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi