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09:54 PM
@MattWho cool, In terms of REST API calls, Isn't it possible to create workflows using nifi rest api?
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10:20 PM
Thank you so much @MattWho But another question popped up here. Is there any possibility to execute the xml file somewhere (not on GUI) where it can reflects in the GUI same as curl command. Through REST API calls we can create and modify workflows, thats totally fine. In the same way, can we create and modify workflows in the xml file and executing somewhere reflects in the GUI?
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09:32 PM
I'm wondering is it possible to create NiFi workflows with the existing processors using REST Api or CLI instead of creating workflows in GUI. Is REST Api can be used to create workflows or only to modify and schedule workflows. If we can create workflows using REST api or CLI, any articles or blogs to look into it? Let's say I want to create a workflow which simply takes file form local and put it to hdfs. This can be possible by drag and drop the processors in GUI but Is it possible to do the same using REST API or CLI or any other thing which we can do programatically? It would be a great help if you guide me regarding this. Thanks a lot.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:06 PM
Yes, could you please explain the cpu usage?
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09:28 AM
@MattWho Let's say my PG1 is having GetFile processor and an output port. My PG2 is having input port and PutFile processor. You need to start PG1 manually. If there are files goes through GetFile then automatically PG2 should start. If there are no files for the GetFile, PG2 should remain in off state. This is what I'm thinking whether can I able to do this?
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08:16 AM
I'm very new to NIFI. I'm just wondering how can i start one processor group from other processor group automatically. Let's say I have two processor groups PG1, PG2. Based on the output from PG1, the processor group PG2 should start automatically. Is it possible to do that? If so what are all required?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
10:34 AM
Hi Team,
I have a zipped file which contains so many text files. I used unpackContent processor to unzip the files. I want to store those unzipped files in another location. But the file names should be replaced with file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt and so on. How can I give file names dynamically? I thought updateAttribute can be used in this. But I'm not sure at the expression language to get this done. Can anyone help me to write a expression language in updateAttribute processor or any alternative processor/solution for this.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
10:25 AM
${filename:substringBeforeLast(‘.’)}_${now():format("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")}.${filename:substringAfter('.')} This expression worked fine. Thanks
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10:06 AM
Hi Team,
I want to rename/modify the filename of the flowfile with the timestamp added to it. Let's say the original flowfile name is file1.txt, I want to change the name of file to be file1_<timestamp>.txt. I used updateAttribute processor to do it. The expression which I gave is
${filename:substringBeforeLast(‘.’)}_${now():format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z’”)}.${filename:substringAfter('.')}
This Giving me error. I'm bad at Expression language. could anyone help me in this? Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi