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Title | Views | Posted |
766 | 01-08-2022 07:17 PM | |
2447 | 09-22-2021 09:39 AM | |
11281 | 09-14-2021 04:21 AM | |
2174 | 09-01-2021 10:28 PM | |
2690 | 08-31-2021 08:04 PM |
07:17 PM
Can you take a look at the below links for creating the ORC table with the Snappy compression question?
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06:44 AM
Hi @mhchethan Generally, we suggest using a single LDAP URL. If you want more than one you can configure LB and that LB should connect to your backend If you are happy with the reply, mark it Accept as Solution
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02:26 AM
Hi @Aarth You can add the hive properties in the HQL file so that it will take it at the session level. Example: beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://<FQDN:10000>" -f rajkumar.hql Add all the required properties in the HQL file so it will be applied at the time of executing at a session level. set hive.compute.query.using.stats=false; set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none ; If you are processing more than one HQL file add the needed properties to it. If you are happy with the reply, mark it Accept as Solution
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02:13 AM
Hi @PawanUppala It would be really helpful if you could share with us the complete error stack before the HS2 goes down.
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06:07 AM
hi @Sadique1 Can you run which spark-shell and share us the results
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06:06 AM
Hi @Swagat (1). Can you run the below command in your Linux terminal and re-run the "yarn logs -applicationID <appID>" command export HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs (2). Based on the logs parent folder "/tmp/logs/hive" and its subfolders are with 770 permission/hive:hadoop so the other users do not have permission to access it. The users ledapp3, calapr01, and gaiapr01 will fall under others so they are not able to access it. Can you run below command as HDFS user and ask your end users to try again. hdfs dfs -chmod 775 <parent folder> hdfs dfs -chmod -R 775 <parent folder> hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 <parent folder> ###Least Recommended. Similar Issue Reference: If you are happy with the reply, mark it Accept as Solution
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02:38 AM
Hi @Sam2020 Can you check the below links and see whether it helps. Upgrade CM Upgrade CDP Cluster to a higher version If you are happy with the reply, mark it Accept as Solution
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07:37 PM
Hi @Kicker Question: How can I find the list of active sessions on my cluster or how can I check whether a session is active or not by sessionId in Hive? Answer: Could you please take a look at the below link where we discussed a similar question. You may have to log in to hiveserver2 and run the below command to see the active number of connections to hiveserver2. netstat -ntpla | grep 10000 | grep -i ESTABLISHED ### Instead of 10000 you have to mention your HS2 Port(if you use http more the port number will be 10001) netstat -ntpla | grep 10000 ### This gives you the detail of Established, Close_wait, and other processes as well. If you want to check the Active sessions you can find the details in Hiveserver2 Web UI Ambari > Hive > QuickLinks > Hiveserver2 WebUI If you are happy with the reply, mark it Accept as Solution
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09:39 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @nareshbattula Q1: hive metastore performance Based on the memory tuning the performance could vary. Please check the below link to see how to set the memory stuff Q2: which tables/dbs causing more pressure on Hivemetastore You may have to check in the HMS logs to see which query is taking a long time. If you are using HDP you can find the current Memory pressure and Heap usage details via the below link If you are using CM then you can see the details in below link CM > Hive > Hivemetastore > Charts > JVM Heap Usage/JVM Pause Time/ Q3: number of connections on HMS? You can run the below commands to see the established connection/number of connections to HMS netstat -ntpla | grep 9083 lsof -p <hms pid> | grep "ESTABLISHED" -i If you are using CM then you can see the details in the below link CM > Hive > Hivemetastore > Charts > Open connections If you are happy with the reply, mark it Accept as Solution
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11:22 PM
Hi @vciampa Please check the below document which should help you to understand the requirement upgrading from HDP 2. X to CDP 7.X cluster as well as Hive. If you are happy with the comment, Mark it "Accept as Solution".
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