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9555 | 04-17-2020 08:11 AM |
08:11 AM
In order to solve this problem I did the following: Added one of the postgres drives ( to the nifi-1.11.4/lib/ folder I also added the file to a secondary folder within lib call /java11. I safely shut down nifi and restarted my linux system. I updated my DBCPConnectionPool to say the follow: Database Connection URL jdbc:postgresql:///forestdb Database Driver Class Name org.postgresql.Driver Database Driver Location(s) No value set Kerberos Credentials Service No value set Database User admin Password 123 Max Wait Time 500 millis Max Total Connections 8 Be sure you have your tables set up and all that good stuff. Notice that I no longer included the path to the drivers locations. This should be due to Nifi loading the jar files into the system itself, by us adding it to the nifi-1.11.4/lib folder. Adding the file to both the nifi-1.11.4/lib folder and the nifi-1.11.4/lib/java11 folder is probably not necessary but i was troubleshooting. also note that I changed the Database Connection URL, no longer having localhost as part of the url.
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08:10 AM
1 Kudo
This is the offending code: new = year+month+day+hour
# Considering date is in mm/dd/yyyy format
#converting the appendd list to strings instead of ints
b=[str(x) for x in new]
#joining all the data without adding
b = '/'.join(b)
#convert to unix
dt_object2 = datetime.strptime(b, "%Y/%m/%d/%H") It looks like at some point the values of year, month, day, hour are set to strings "Year", "month", "DOY", "Hour". Then when new = year+month+day+hour is called, the strings get concatenated into "YearmonthDOYHour". You then split and join that string so that's why you see a '/' character between each character in the Python error message. I'll leave it you to debug this, as I've lost track of all the code changes at this point. Also note that the incoming data may be providing you with Day of Year (DOY) instead of day of month, which is what %d. You may need to use %j to parse that out with zero padding (see documentation here). If this is helpful, don't forget to give kudos or accept solution.
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06:16 AM
@ForrestGump No, out of the box NiFi should work with all Processors and Controller Services. The stock configuration of NiFi should work without any issues. You should not see any inconsistencies or stability issues unless you are exceeding resources available on the NiFi node(s). If you are seeing specific issues with "Regex, prepend, and other items" they each should give a very specific error. Sometimes the errors are not shown in the UI. You have to tail the nifi app logs in order to see full error informations.
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01:55 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks for the effort @stevenmatison I imagine it does have to do with configuration.
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