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03:18 AM
1 Kudo
@uinn Help us in letting know the heap size set for both Hive and Hive Metastore services. Is the issue happens while executing few specific queries or continuously the pause (JVM pause) is happening? Is it appears at HiveMetastore or at Hiveserver2 level?
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07:30 AM
Hi @EFasdfSDfaSDFG From Hive the following formats supported : Parquet (default), Avro, ORC Create table examples: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_1 ( i INT, t TIMESTAMP, j BIGINT) STORED BY ICEBERG; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_2 (i INT, t TIMESTAMP) PARTITIONED BY (j BIGINT) STORED BY ICEBERG; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_3 (i int) STORED AS ORC STORED BY ICEBERG LOCATION ''; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_4 (i int) STORED BY ICEBERG TBLPROPERTIES ('key'='value', 'key'='value') CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_1 (i int) STORED AS ORC STORED BY ICEBERG TBLPROPERTIES ('format-version' = '2');
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08:23 AM
Hi , Below is the syntax for creating iceberg tables using impala 1)create table test(id int, name string) stored by iceberg; insert into test values(1,"M"); 2)create table test_iceberg (id int, name string) stored by iceberg; LOAD DATA INPATH '<path_of_file>' INTO TABLE test_iceberg; 3)CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_iceberg_1 STORED AS ICEBERG LOCATION '/path/to/table' TBLPROPERTIES('iceberg.catalog'='hadoop.tables'); If the data exits in ozone make sure you have the enough privileges to access the same For more info ,we suggest you to refer the Hope the info helps.
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03:27 AM
1 Kudo
Hi , Can you confirm with the version details also let us know you are using Hue--Hive Editor or Hue--Impala editor to create the iceberg table?
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