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585 | 10-25-2024 01:49 AM |
10:31 AM
@denysobukhov If this issue hasn't been resolved I am suspecting the HS2 idle Timeout and Thread pool size. Can you please do the below and share the out come. 1. Address Server-Side Resource or Timeout Issues Increase HiveServer2 Idle Timeout By default, HiveServer2 may close idle connections after a certain period. Increase this timeout: Update the HiveServer2 config: hive.server2.idle.session.timeout (default: 600000 ms / 10 minutes). Set it to a larger value, e.g., 3600000 (1 hour). hive.server2.idle.operation.timeout (default: 5 minutes for operations). Increase to match your app's use case. SET hive.server2.idle.session.timeout=3600000; SET hive.server2.idle.operation.timeout=3600000; Adjust Thread Pool Size If HiveServer2 runs out of threads to handle requests, it can drop connections: Increase hive.server2.threads to a higher value in HiveServer2 configurations. Restart HiveServer2 after changes. First check the default hive.server2.thrift.max.worker.threads jstack -l <HiveServere2_ProccessId> | grep ".Thread.Stat" | wc -l Happy hadooping
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05:02 AM
1 Kudo
Error looks similar to HIVE-27778. Can you try the workaround given in the kb
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06:29 AM
Hi @Marks_08 In Hive is HBase dependency is enabled? If No, can you follow the below doc If yes, we require the complete HS2 logs as well as the Yarn application logs to troubleshoot further. Along with that share us the DDL for both Managed and external tables DESCRIBE FORMATTED <TABLE_NAME>; SHOW CREATE TABLE <TABLE_NAME>; Replace TABLE_NAME with the managed and external tables. Thank You.
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03:18 AM
1 Kudo
@uinn Help us in letting know the heap size set for both Hive and Hive Metastore services. Is the issue happens while executing few specific queries or continuously the pause (JVM pause) is happening? Is it appears at HiveMetastore or at Hiveserver2 level?
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07:30 AM
Hi @EFasdfSDfaSDFG From Hive the following formats supported : Parquet (default), Avro, ORC Create table examples: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_1 ( i INT, t TIMESTAMP, j BIGINT) STORED BY ICEBERG; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_2 (i INT, t TIMESTAMP) PARTITIONED BY (j BIGINT) STORED BY ICEBERG; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_3 (i int) STORED AS ORC STORED BY ICEBERG LOCATION ''; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_4 (i int) STORED BY ICEBERG TBLPROPERTIES ('key'='value', 'key'='value') CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_ice_1 (i int) STORED AS ORC STORED BY ICEBERG TBLPROPERTIES ('format-version' = '2');
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