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2106 | 05-28-2021 03:14 AM |
07:05 AM
@LeetKrew93 I am getting the exact same error while deploying the cm trial 7.4.4 for an encryption POC. How to get valid credentials for the repository? KR, Sebastian
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02:27 AM
Hello @proble As we haven't received any response from your side, We shall be marking the Post as Resolved. Having said that, Please do share your experience with handling the concerned issue & whether the details shared by us assisted you. In short, the HBase Table Creation is failing as Master hasn't completed Initialisation. You have to use HBCK2 Tool to assign the HBase:Meta & HBase:Namespace (Whichever isn't assigned as per Master Logs). Link [1] covers our response to the Post on 2021/05/31 with the Log trace to be verified in Master Logs & the Steps to be followed. We hope the Post was helpful to you & assisted in resolving the issue. - Smarak [1]
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01:14 AM
Mcafee also lists under vulnerability which can be ignored as launching containers is part of a yarn architecture. Please be kind to go through the below point to understand more about yarn: 1. Client/user submits a job request. 2. Resource manager will check the input splits and will throw an error if it cannot be computed. 3. On successful computation, the resource manager will call the job to submit the procedure. 4. It will then find a node manager where it can launch app master 5. App master process will check the input splits and will make mapper and reducer tasks(Task IDs are given at this point) 6. App master will do the computation and based on that it will request resources in form of a container that will contain memory and CPU as requested by the App master. 7. On receiving the request, the node manager will use "" as well as a few other job-related inputs to successfully launch a container to be used for task execution. This is the expected behavior and should be considered a false vulnerability.
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03:54 PM
Also Squirrel seems to be connecting to the dev cluster. It just times out when running a query such as "show databases". If squirrel stays connected for a long time, I noticed that the query will eventually return results instead of timing out. Per cloudera "" It says that minimum 4 dedicated cores to HS2 and 4 for hive metastore. The server that hosts hs2 and metastore only has a total of 8 cores. Can this be a reason for the performance issue? Any help on this is much appreciated. Thanks,
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10:51 AM
Aditya 1) I dint get a chance to get the screen shot because the page is getting refresh and code gets deleted . 2 ) After writing the code the page gets refreshes and most recent paragraph gets wiped out after 10 seconds so I dint have a chance to run code . As a workaround I tried to removing the parenthesis after count the code was executed successfully ,with parenthesis count () the page refreshes and code gets wiped out . %sql SELECT COUNT * FROM 3) I see the below error in logs and couldn't see any other errors while adding the pargaraph. INFO [2021-06-03 16:58:03,697] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[onOpen]:150) - New connection from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx INFO [2021-06-03 16:58:03,753] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[sendNote]:814) - New operation from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : test-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : GET_NOTE : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx INFO [2021-06-03 16:58:03,759] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[sendNote]:814) - New operation from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : test-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : GET_NOTE : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:03,838] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateExpiration]:225) - SSO expiration date validation failed. WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:03,839] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateToken]:139) - Expiration time validation of JWT token failed. INFO [2021-06-03 16:58:03,934] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[onClose]:371) - Closed connection to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: 36160. (1001) Shutdown WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:04,171] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateExpiration]:225) - SSO expiration date validation failed. WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:04,171] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateToken]:139) - Expiration time validation of JWT token failed. WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:04,183] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateExpiration]:225) - SSO expiration date validation failed. WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:04,183] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateToken]:139) - Expiration time validation of JWT token failed. WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:04,560] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateExpiration]:225) - SSO expiration date validation failed. WARN [2021-06-03 16:58:04,560] ({xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}[validateToken]:139) - Expiration time validation of JWT token failed.
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05:31 AM
@kkhambadkone1 Has your issue been resolved? If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the solution, as it will make it easier for others to find the answer in the future.
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02:30 AM
@fj5000 , Please provide below details for us to proceed : 1. CM/CDH version 2. Document you are following to implement KDC freeipa setup 3. Refer and see if you can follow the suggestions coined in the doc Regards, Aditya
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08:06 PM
Hello @LeetKrew93 Our organization requires that all log levels above DEBUG level need to be increased with the ISINFOENABLED judgment, because the official website only states that the DEBUG level does not need to be determined. It is not clear whether other levels need to be determined or not.Personally, I think such a judgment is superfluous.Please give me some advice.
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03:32 AM
@sweeny_here , Could you please provide below details : 1. Complete cloudera-scm-server logs 2. Steps/documentation followed to enable DB SSL 3. After enabling SSL on DB, did you import the DB SSL certificate to the CM truststore ? Regards, Aditya
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03:04 AM
@VBo , Could you please let us know if you were able to start the Atlas Metadata server ? . If not, please provide us application.log, operation logs to check further. Regards, Aditya
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