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02:12 PM
after restarting the network, looks like the raj_ops/raj_ops credentials are working now. What are the other default credentials I needs to be aware of for Ranger to work properly, or for troubleshooting?
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02:04 PM
I recently installed the Hortonworks HDP 3.0.1 sandbox version on VMWare. I tried to login to the Ranger UI with the following credential combinations, but none work: 1. admin/admin 2. admin/hortonworks1 3. ranger/ranger 4. ranger/hortonworks1 5. raj_ops/raj_ops 6. raj_ops/hortonworks1 7. root/hortonworks1 8. root/hadoop none of these combinations work. I am also getting a message: "Cannot connect to the DB" on the Ranger login UI screen. I tried "Test Connection" from the Ranger config tab on the Ambari console, and it shows that the connection failed. The user is listed as 'root'. From the Linux ssh console, I validated that I can login to the MySQL instance using root/hortonworks1 So at least I know that the MySQL server is running and I can authenticate using a valid credential. Need someone's help to figure out : 1. why the Ranger Login UI is not authenticating any user 2. why the "Test Connection" is failing using the default config. 3. what is the default Ranger Admin username and credentials for sandbox v3.0.1? Thanks.
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