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04:39 AM
1. OK, I don't need packages. I only tried packages because the parcels option keeps failing. 2. You can find the log here, it's too big to copy+paste to this reply. 3. After restarting the server, I still get this error in the Parcels tab. I'm assuming my cluster is not something I can actually use like a normal cluster...:
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01:22 AM
Also faced a failure when trying to install with packages. The Hue package fails:
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12:06 AM
Hi, I've been trying to set up a Cloudera Private Cloud cluster for a POC and for several times now and each time fails in the Install Parcels stage with the following errors: Src file /opt/cloudera/parcels/.flood/CDH-7.1.4-1.cdh7.1.4.p0.6300266-el7.parcel/CDH-7.1.4-1.cdh7.1.4.p0.6300266-el7.parcel does not exist or Src file /opt/cloudera/parcels/.flood/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p1.6631775-el7.parcel/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p1.6631775-el7.parcel does not exist Needless to say, when I chose Parcels in Select Repository section, I checked in Parcel Repository & Network Settings that all the URL were connecting correctly: It doesn't change anything if I switch to HTTPS. Choosing to install with packages also fails. What could be the problem? Thanks
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11:02 PM
Thank you @Bender
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05:19 AM
Hi @Bender, The quick setup steps in the documentation I linked to go through steps to set up these prerequisites. These steps have been taken by me.
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11:59 PM
Hi @Bender., Firstly, setting the this checkbox is not part of the documentation: Second, after making sure I created a credential with this checkbox enables and creating a policy and a role for them, the problem still happens. Thank you.
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07:25 AM
Hi @Bender, Nope, copy+pasted it directly to AWS.
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04:23 AM
Hi Frenec, I'm not sure I understand what I might have used a text editor to edit.
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06:18 AM
Hi all, I'm pretty new with CDP of any kind. I need to set up a CDP Public Cloud instance for some research. I'm following this documentation and I'm running into issues when trying to add a new AWS environment. Here are the steps I took: 1. When I reached Region, Networking, Security, and Storage section of environment registration no region was available to choose: 2. I restarted the registration process with a different environment name and this time the region was identified for the AWS account ID and the SSH keypair I created was discovered. However, the "next" button on the Region, Networking, Security and Storage section was still locked from use. 3. I tried restarting again with a new environment name, and this time the region name was undiscovered again, but this time trying to find the region timed out and I got this error message: How can I get over these technical issues? Thank you.
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Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)