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2877 | 01-31-2017 04:47 AM | |
2945 | 07-26-2016 05:46 PM | |
8181 | 05-02-2016 10:12 AM |
04:22 PM
1 Kudo
Today I ran into this same issue but the solutions in the post didn't resolve the problem. I found each time you would start cloudera-scm-server (sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-server) it would just add the entries back to the database we are instructed to delete. The following did resolve the problem - Edit /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server/certmanager/cm_init.txt Change the following top 3 lines from true to false as follows. setsettings AGENT_TLS false setsettings WEB_TLS false setsettings NEED_AGENT_VALIDATION false Then stop and start the cloudera-scm-server. This time you will see the entries back in the DB but they'll be set to false. On the database server you can run the following to confirm they are set to false now. select * from CONFIGS where ATTR='web_tls'; select * from CONFIGS where ATTR='agent_tls';
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10:49 PM
with newer versions of spark, the sqlContext is not load by default, you have to specify it explicitly : scala> val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) warning: there was one deprecation warning; re-run with -deprecation for details sqlContext: org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext = org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext@6179af64 scala> import sqlContext.implicits._ import sqlContext.implicits._ scala> sqlContext.sql("describe mytable") res2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col_name: string, data_type: string ... 1 more field] I'm working with spark 2.3.2
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07:50 PM
Hi @Jonas Straub,do as your article ,i create collection by curl command,and got the 401 error: curl –negotiate –u : ‘http://myhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=col&numShards=1&replicationFactor=1&collection.configName=_default&wt=json’ { “responseHeader”:{ “status”:0, “QTime”:31818}, “failure”:{ “myhost:8983_solr”:”org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException:Error from server at http://myhost:8983/solr:Excepted mime type application/octet-stream but got text/html. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=\”Content-Type\” content=\”text/html;charset=utf-8\”/>” <title> Error 401 Authentication required </title> </head> <body> <h2>HTTP ERROR 401</h2> <p> Problem accessing /solr/admin/cores.Reason: <pre> Authentication required</pre> </p> </body> </html> } } When I debug the solr source code, found this exception is returned by “coreContainer.getZKController().getOverseerCollectionQueue().offer(Utils.toJson(m), timeout)”,so I doubt maybe the solr don’t authenticate zookeeper info and I use a no-kerberos zookeeper to replace the Kerberos zookeeper, solr collection can be created successfully. How to solve the problem with Kerberos ZK?
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01:31 PM
@vvinaga It looks like it cannot talk to the HDFS NameNode from the logs. Could you check if HDFS is configured correctly to use Kerberos?
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04:47 AM
When I used the FullyQualifiedDomainName (with a '.' in it) the repo is working fine! parcelRepositories: ["http://localrepo.cdh-cluster.internal/parcels/cdh5/", "http://localrepo.cdh-cluster.internal/parcels/spark2/"]
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01:18 PM
The issue was commonplace:unsufficient permissions on directories. Thank you everyone!
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09:15 AM
1 Kudo
You can locate them through ambari. When you (re)start a service you can click on the operations > operation > tasks and inspect the commands: If you look closely the script being executed for restarting the nodemanager is at 08:53:13,592. The script is located in /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-nodemanager/sbin/ This file is shipped with the distribution. Before executing this file users are created and config is pushed. The preparation of these steps happen on the AmbariServer. You can search for the python scripts. For example the nodemanager in the /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/YARN/ If you change one these files, don't forget to restart the ambari-server, because the files are cached. After an ambari-server upgrade these changes will be overridden reverted. Hope this helps.
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11:47 AM
Hi @Junichi Oda, We have the same error in the Ranger log, even when the groupnames are filled: ERROR LdapUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - sink.addOrUpdateUser failed with exception: org/apache/commons/httpclient/URIException, for user: userX, groups: [groupX, groupY] I have inspected the sourcecode from ranger-0.6 which is part of HDP- our current version of the stack. Interesting enough all calls to remote server inside LdapUserGroupBuilder.addOrUpdateUser(user, groups) are wrapped in a try-catch(Exception e). There is addUser, addUserGroupInfo and delXUserGroupInfo. But we don't see that in the log. The addOrUpdateUser is wrapped with try-catch(Throwable t). Looks like its an Error not an Exception! I found this RANGER-804 ticket revering to missing classes. I copied the jars in '/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/lib' from another folder. The code runs but I have a Certificate PKI error at the moment because we use LDAPS, but looks like this might get you further. Greetings, Alexander
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01:16 AM
1 Kudo
Reset authorized_proxy_user_config to default (hue=*) still works.
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