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2051 | 12-17-2022 10:54 PM |
11:32 AM
Thank you So much @SAMSAL , if the input is array of values then its coming good, How about if input is nonarray value something like this { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DatiRiepilogo": { "AliquotaIVA": "22.00", "ImponibileImporto": "367.94", "Imposta": "80.95" } } i think without [&1] will work but how to accept both nonarray and array input using single spec? }
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07:25 AM
Hi All, Could you please help in getting below value to be splitted across the array , the value outside of arrray Input: { "DatiRiepilogo": { "Natura": "N3.5", "AliquotaIVA": [ "22.00", "5.00" ], "ImponibileImporto": [ "215.43", "6.70" ], "Imposta": [ "47.39", "0.34" ] } } SPEC: [ { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "DatiRiepilogo": { "Natura":{ "*":{ "@(2,Natura)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].Natura" }}, "AliquotaIVA": { "@": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].AliquotaIVA", "*": { "@": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].AliquotaIVA" } }, "ImponibileImporto": { "@": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].ImponibileImporto", "*": { "@": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].ImponibileImporto" } }, "Imposta": { "@": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].Imposta", "*": { "@": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DatiRiepilogo[&1].Imposta" } } } } } ] Expected Output: { "FatturaElettronicaBody" : { "DatiBeniServizi" : { "DatiRiepilogo" : [ { "Natura": "N3.5", "AliquotaIVA" : "22.00", "ImponibileImporto" : "215.43", "Imposta" : "47.39" }, { "Natura": "N3.5", "AliquotaIVA" : "5.00", "ImponibileImporto" : "6.70", "Imposta" : "0.34" } ] } } } @SAMSAL , @MattWho Could you please help on this
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
04:25 AM
Thanks @SAMSAL for recommending @MattWho
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10:22 PM
@MattWho wow. that worked as i'm expecting. so it won't merge the file till it has exact match file comes, right? and it won't fail either. if one of the file missed/delayed seems it is waiting till that file comes in. Thanks a lot Regards, pradeep
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08:11 AM
yes @SAMSAL , invoice number is unique, every time. Actually the input is single one i.e. JSON file will be converted to xml and pdf and later we need to implement this logic merging together and send it business. we need to merge in such a way same invoicenumber XML and pdf. and yes i've tried with filename as well in correlation attribute by giving ${filename:substringBeforeLast('.')} but no luck as well,
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12:07 AM
Yes @SAMSAL , Thanks for reply. yes i want to merge xml file + pdf file for each Invoice number. even i tried to merge using "Correlation Attribute Name" for ZIP merge strategy. its even merging for different invoice Numbers as well. Could you please suggest anything. note: i've filenames also same before the extentions(.xml and .pdf) ex: 1) BE01_915131_FR01111046_20230713_183211.pdf 2) BE01_915131_FR01111046_20230713_183211.xml
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11:52 AM
Hi , i've a flow where there two flows one for xml file and other for corresponding Pdf file. Currently i'm merging those using Mergecontent and generating the zip file out of it. by making sure minimum entries 2. if input files load are heavy the merge is not matching corresponding file means (same invoice file should be merged) but sometimes other invoice file merging due to big load from input at a time. i already implemented 10 secs delay for each flow and merging two files. is there a mechanism to merge files based on common attribute before mergecontent. Thanks in advance
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:31 AM
in Addition to above logic , if the input payload comes as below with number and Date combined in single array field. input: { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiGenerali": { "DatiGeneraliDocumento": { "TipoDocumento": "TD01", "Numero": "126587", "Data": "16.05.2023", "Divisa": "EUR", "ImportoTotaleDocumento": "7011.10" }, "DatiDDT": [ { "NumeroDDT": "126681-15.05.2023" }, { "NumeroDDT": "12680-10.05.2023" } ] } } } Used the spec below: [ { "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiGenerali": { "DatiDDT": { "*": { "b_NumeroDDT": "=split('[-.]',@(1,NumeroDDT))", "NumeroDDT": "@(1,b_NumeroDDT[0])", "DataDDT": "=concat(@(1,b_NumeroDDT[3]),'-',@(1,b_NumeroDDT[2]),'-',@(1,b_NumeroDDT[1]))" } } } } } }, { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiGenerali": { "DatiGeneraliDocumento": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiGenerali.&", "DatiDDT": { "*": { "NumeroDDT": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiGenerali.DatiDDT[&1].NumeroDDT", "DataDDT": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiGenerali.DatiDDT[&1].Date" } } } } } } ] Output: { "FatturaElettronicaBody" : { "DatiGenerali" : { "DatiGeneraliDocumento" : { "TipoDocumento" : "TD01", "Numero" : "126587", "Data" : "16.05.2023", "Divisa" : "EUR", "ImportoTotaleDocumento" : "7011.10" }, "DatiDDT" : [ { "NumeroDDT" : "126681", "Date" : "2023-05-15" }, { "NumeroDDT" : "12680", "Date" : "2023-05-10" } ] } } }
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12:15 PM
Thanks @SAMSAL for the quick help. division got worked but after this division the value coming with 2 decimal values , where as i needed 8 decimal points after the dot. so far that i've used below logic in the same spec. but its giving empty value. "ScontoMaggiorazione": { "*": { "first_Importo": "=divide(@(1,Importo),@(3,Quantita))", "array_importo": "=split('.',@(1,first_Importo))", "pad_importo": "=rightPad(@(1,array_importo[1]), 8, '0')", "Importo": "=concat(@(1,array_importo[0]),'.',@(1,pad_importo))" } any idea on this too?
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11:16 AM
i'm trying to perform Importo= importo/Quantita for each line item value. but unable get the division even though i've used =divide function. Could you please help me input: { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": [ { "NumeroLinea": 1, "Quantita": "3.0", "PrezzoUnitario": "311.55000000", "AliquotaIVA": "22.00", "ScontoMaggiorazione": [ { "Tipo": "SC", "Percentuale": "28.00", "Importo": "261.69" } ], "Descrizione": "B66450458 SACCA DA GOLF", "PrezzoTotale": "672.96000000" }, { "NumeroLinea": 2, "Quantita": "1.00000000", "PrezzoUnitario": "311.55000000", "AliquotaIVA": "22.00", "ScontoMaggiorazione": [ { "Tipo": "SC", "Percentuale": "28.00", "Importo": "87.23000000" } ], "Descrizione": "B66450458 SACCA DA GOLF", "PrezzoTotale": "224.32000000" }, { "NumeroLinea": 3, "Quantita": "1.00000000", "PrezzoUnitario": "311.55000000", "AliquotaIVA": "22.00", "ScontoMaggiorazione": [ { "Tipo": "SC", "Percentuale": "28.00", "Importo": "87.23000000" } ], "Descrizione": "B66450458 SACCA DA GOLF", "PrezzoTotale": "224.32000000" }, { "NumeroLinea": 4, "Quantita": "3.00000000", "PrezzoUnitario": "2150.00000000", "AliquotaIVA": "22.00", "ScontoMaggiorazione": [ { "Tipo": "SC", "Percentuale": "16.00", "Importo": "1032.00000000" } ], "Descrizione": "A205330410780 INGRANAGGI E DIFFER. ANT.", "PrezzoTotale": "5418.00000000" }, { "NumeroLinea": 5, "Quantita": "7.00000000", "PrezzoUnitario": "202.96000000", "AliquotaIVA": "22.00", "ScontoMaggiorazione": [ { "Tipo": "SC", "Percentuale": "19.00", "Importo": "269.92000000" } ], "Descrizione": "A6510108918 COPERCHIO TESTATA CIL.", "PrezzoTotale": "1150.80000000" } ] } } } Jolt Spec: [{ "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiGenerali": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "ScontoMaggiorazione": { "*": { "Importo": "=divide(@(1,Importo),@(1,Quantita))" } } } } } } } } }, { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "NumeroLinea": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].NumeroLinea", "Descrizione": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].Descrizione", "Quantita": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].Quantita", "PrezzoUnitario": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].PrezzoUnitario", "ScontoMaggiorazione": { "*": { "Importo": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].ScontoMaggiorazione[&3].Importo" } } } } } } } }]
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi