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Title | Views | Posted |
2061 | 09-27-2017 06:11 AM | |
2303 | 09-21-2017 06:36 PM | |
1167 | 06-15-2017 01:28 PM | |
2153 | 12-09-2016 08:39 PM | |
2249 | 09-06-2016 04:57 PM |
06:11 AM
1 Kudo
Deleting the kafka topics for atlas and restart of atlas fixed the issue.
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06:39 PM
1 Kudo
Ah ok. Try this %jdbc(hive) You might need to check if the hive configuration is updated in the jdbc interpreter settings.
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06:36 PM
1 Kudo
@Sudheer Velagapudi
Here is the list of interpreters that exist in zeppelin.
There is nothing specifically for SQL interpreter though. What exactly are you trying to do here?
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06:32 PM
This is a kerberized cluster on HDP 2.6.1 is failing with the errors as below 2017-09-21 10:38:53,105 ERROR - [pool-2-thread-10 - f15b1a2e-6904-49bb-8ed5-b832632d4339:atlas:POST/api/atlas/entities/bedf80dd-deb1-42a9-81cc-40336a3d4546] ~ Unable to update entity by GUID bedf80dd-deb1-42a9-81cc-40336a3d4546 { "jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Reference", "id":{ "jsonClass":"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Id", "id":"bedf80dd-deb1-42a9-81cc-40336a3d4546", "version":0, "typeName":"hive_db", "state":"ACTIVE" }, "typeName":"hive_db", "values":{ "name":"default", "location":"hdfs://CLUSTERNAME/apps/hive/warehouse", Using Hive configuration directory [/etc/hive/conf]Log file for import is /usr/hdp/current/atlas-server/logs/import-hive.logException in thread "main" org.apache.atlas.hook.AtlasHookException: HiveMetaStoreBridge.main() failed. at org.apache.atlas.hive.bridge.HiveMetaStoreBridge.main( by: org.apache.atlas.AtlasServiceException: Metadata service API org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient$APIInfo@69c6161d failed with status 500 (Internal Server Error) Response Body ({"error":"Failed to notify for change PARTIAL_UPDATE"}) at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPIWithResource( at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPIWithResource( at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPI( at org.apache.atlas.AtlasClient.callAPIWithBodyAndParams( at org.apache.atlas.AtlasClient.updateEntity( at org.apache.atlas.hive.bridge.HiveMetaStoreBridge.updateInstance( at org.apache.atlas.hive.bridge.HiveMetaStoreBridge.registerDatabase( at org.apache.atlas.hive.bridge.HiveMetaStoreBridge.importDatabases( at org.apache.atlas.hive.bridge.HiveMetaStoreBridge.importHiveMetadata( at org.apache.atlas.hive.bridge.HiveMetaStoreBridge.main( to import Hive Data Model!!!
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- Labels:
Apache Atlas
01:28 PM
1 Kudo
@Manish Gupta After the installation use following steps to replace default service account with custom service account: For zeppelin: 1. Stop zeppelin service from Ambari. 2. Change the zeppelin user from Ambari server using (this command is only available from ambari-server host): # /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u <AmbariAdminUser> -p <AmbariAdminUserPassword> set localhost <Cluster-name> zeppelin-env zeppelin_user <ZEP-USER> 3. Set the ownership on zeppelin log and run directories. # chown -R <ZEP-USER>:hadoop /var/log/zeppelin
# chown -R <ZEP-USER>:hadoop /var/run/zeppelin 4. Start zeppelin service from Ambari
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05:07 PM
3 Kudos
Assumption - HDP 2.5.3 and above versions and kerberized cluster. Create a hplsql-site.xml as per the below template.
<description>The default connection profile</description>
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection (embedded mode)</description>
set hive.execution.engine=mr;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
<description>Convert SQL statements before execution</description><
<description>Hive embedded JDBC (not requiring HiveServer)</description>
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection</description>
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
<description>Convert SQL statements before execution</description>
<description>IBM DB2 connection</description>
<description>Teradata connection</description>
<description>MySQL connection</description>
<description>Single row, single column table for internal operations</description>
<description>How to execute INSERT VALUES statement: native (default) and select</description>
<description>Error handling behavior: exception (default), seterror and stop</description>
<description>Temporary tables: native (default) and managed</description>
<description>Schema for managed temporary tables</description>
<description>LOcation for managed temporary tables in HDFS</description>
the LLAP hostname and the hive Principal based on the cluster environment in the following section Note: This is a kerberized cluster
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection</description>
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
Update the
hive-hplsql jar file with the modified hplsql-site.xml
cd /usr/hdp/current/hive-server2-hive2/lib;
/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77/bin/jar uf hive-hplsql-2.1.0.XXX.jar hplsql-site.xml; Note: Please refer to your JDK version path
Authenticate the user with the KDC
kinit <user principal>
Execute the HPLSQL code as below
./hplsql -f /root/myhpl.sql
If success then you must be seeing the logs as below, Starting SQL statement
SQL statement executed successfully (128 ms)
Starting SQL statement
SQL statement executed successfully (145 ms)
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03:20 AM
@Nube Technologies Good to hear that.
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08:39 PM
2 Kudos
@Nube Technologies For Hive: You can use Sqoop with the --target-dir parameter set to a directory inside the Hive encryption zone. You need to specify the -D option after sqoop import. sqoop import \-D sqoop.test.import.rootDir=<root-directory> \--target-dir <directory-inside-encryption-zone> \<additional-arguments>
For append or incremental export Make sure that the sqoop.test.import.rootDir property points to the encryption zone specified in the --target-dir argument. For HCatalog: No config required. For more information on HDP services for HDFS encryption refer this link below, HDP services for HDFS encryption Let me know if you have any other questions
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02:16 PM
1 Kudo
@Huahua Wei I dont think so.Transition to Failover node does not take much of time. Whichever NameNode is started first will become active. You may choose to start the cluster in a specific order such that your preferred node starts first. What problem exactly are you facing ? Is it the failover or starting up the namenode is taking lot of time?
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02:41 PM
@Baruch AMOUSSOU DJANGBAN Assuming ambari2 user can stop the services, Why don't you try using ambari-agent stop instead of systemctl stop ambari-agent.service
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