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Title | Views | Posted |
2066 | 09-27-2017 06:11 AM | |
2313 | 09-21-2017 06:36 PM | |
1172 | 06-15-2017 01:28 PM | |
2159 | 12-09-2016 08:39 PM | |
2249 | 09-06-2016 04:57 PM |
06:11 AM
1 Kudo
Deleting the kafka topics for atlas and restart of atlas fixed the issue.
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05:07 PM
3 Kudos
Assumption - HDP 2.5.3 and above versions and kerberized cluster. Create a hplsql-site.xml as per the below template.
<description>The default connection profile</description>
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection (embedded mode)</description>
set hive.execution.engine=mr;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
<description>Convert SQL statements before execution</description><
<description>Hive embedded JDBC (not requiring HiveServer)</description>
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection</description>
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
<description>Convert SQL statements before execution</description>
<description>IBM DB2 connection</description>
<description>Teradata connection</description>
<description>MySQL connection</description>
<description>Single row, single column table for internal operations</description>
<description>How to execute INSERT VALUES statement: native (default) and select</description>
<description>Error handling behavior: exception (default), seterror and stop</description>
<description>Temporary tables: native (default) and managed</description>
<description>Schema for managed temporary tables</description>
<description>LOcation for managed temporary tables in HDFS</description>
the LLAP hostname and the hive Principal based on the cluster environment in the following section Note: This is a kerberized cluster
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection</description>
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
Update the
hive-hplsql jar file with the modified hplsql-site.xml
cd /usr/hdp/current/hive-server2-hive2/lib;
/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77/bin/jar uf hive-hplsql-2.1.0.XXX.jar hplsql-site.xml; Note: Please refer to your JDK version path
Authenticate the user with the KDC
kinit <user principal>
Execute the HPLSQL code as below
./hplsql -f /root/myhpl.sql
If success then you must be seeing the logs as below, Starting SQL statement
SQL statement executed successfully (128 ms)
Starting SQL statement
SQL statement executed successfully (145 ms)
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03:26 PM
you can do this as well.If you have installed the Cluster Shell in cluster, we can perform below simple steps to stop and start ----------------------------------- #!/bin/sh clush -g all ambari-agent restart ------------------------------------------- Refer below link for more info about open source Cluster shell:
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03:32 PM
It is pretty simple to configure:
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08:48 PM
Well, it seems like AMS metrics aren't consumable by Ambari until version 2.4.0 comes out: This means that JMX metrics are the only ones which work by default and I don't think Kafka exposes them. You could use a third-party plugin which exposes them, but that's probably not ideal. So, it seems like to monitor Kafka metrics today you'd need to write a SCRIPT based alert which would check a specific metric from AMS. You could write a single, generic SCRIPT alert which takes the metric to check as a parameter. This way, you'd create several different alert definitions (1 for each metric) and then re-use the same Python script. If you wanted to expose Kafka metrics via JMX, once of these might help: You'd expose JMX via Kafka and then expose that JMX data via something like JMXtrans which alerts could consume. Or, you could wait for Ambari 2.4.0 which should let you consume AMS metrics natively and just write a simple alert definition for it.
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07:25 PM
You can try as below li <- read.table(textConnection(c), sep = ",");
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04:59 AM
Hi, Is there any steps to take our own kafka server metrics to elasticsearch..because we have grafana which will have all the dashboards but some of our project requirement need to keep few kafka metrics in kibana we want to index the kafka metrics logs to elasticsearch. Can we consume kafka metrics into elasticsearch ?
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