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Master Mentor

For the Devops crowd, you can take it a step further and automate provisioning of Ambari server. For that consider using community contributions like if you were to use Chef, for example. For an exhaustive tour of the REST API, consult the docs

This recipe assumes you have an unsecured HDP cluster with Namenode HA. Tested on Ambari 2.4.2.

# list all available views for the current version of Ambari

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/

# get Files View only

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES

# get all versions of Files View for the current Ambari release

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions

# get specific version of FILES view

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0

# create an instance of FILES view

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/FILES_NEW_INSTANCE

# delete an instance of FILES view

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/FILES_NEW_INSTANCE

# get specific instance of FILES view

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/FILES_NEW_INSTANCE

# create a Files view instance with properties

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/FILES_NEW_INSTANCE \
--data '{
  "ViewInstanceInfo" : {
      "description" : "Files API",
      "label" : "Files View",
      "properties" : {
      "webhdfs.client.failover.proxy.provider" : "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.https-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.https-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenodes.list" : "nn1,nn2",
      "webhdfs.nameservices" : "hacluster",
      "webhdfs.url" : "webhdfs://hacluster"

# create/update a Files view new/existing instance with new properties

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/FILES_NEW_INSTANCE \
--data '{
  "ViewInstanceInfo" : {
      "description" : "Files API",
      "label" : "Files View",
      "properties" : {
      "webhdfs.client.failover.proxy.provider" : "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.https-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.https-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenodes.list" : "nn1,nn2",
      "webhdfs.nameservices" : "hacluster",
      "webhdfs.url" : "webhdfs://hacluster"

# create instance of Hive view

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/HIVE/versions/1.0.0/instances/HIVE_NEW_INSTANCE \
--data '{
  "ViewInstanceInfo" : {
      "description" : "Hive View",
      "label" : "Hive View",
      "properties" : {
      "webhdfs.client.failover.proxy.provider" : "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.https-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.https-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn1" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn2" : "",
      "webhdfs.ha.namenodes.list" : "nn1,nn2",
      "webhdfs.nameservices" : "hacluster",
      "webhdfs.url" : "webhdfs://hacluster",
      "" : "",
      "hive.http.path" : "cliservice",
      "hive.http.port" : "10001",
      "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir" : "/apps/hive/warehouse",
      "hive.port" : "10000",
      "hive.transport.mode" : "binary",
      "yarn.ats.url" : "",
      "yarn.resourcemanager.url" : ""

# interact with a FILES view instance

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/FILES_NEW_INSTANCE/resources/files...

# once you create an instance, you can see its current properties

curl --user admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/

# output of previous command

  "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/",                                        
  "ViewVersionInfo" : {                                                                                       
    "archive" : "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/work/FILES{1.0.0}",                                   
    "build_number" : "161",                                                                                   
    "cluster_configurable" : true,                                                                            
    "description" : null,                                                                                     
    "label" : "Files",                                                                                        
    "masker_class" : null,                                                                                    
    "max_ambari_version" : null,                                                                              
    "min_ambari_version" : "2.0.*",                                                                           
    "parameters" : [                                                                                          
        "name" : "webhdfs.url",                                                                               
        "description" : "Enter the WebHDFS FileSystem URI. Typically this is the dfs.namenode.http-address\n  
          property in the hdfs-site.xml configuration. URL must be accessible from Ambari Server.",           
        "label" : "WebHDFS FileSystem URI",                                                                   
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "core-site/fs.defaultFS",                                                           
        "required" : true,                                                                                    
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.nameservices",                                                                      
        "description" : "Comma-separated list of nameservices. Value of hdfs-site/dfs.nameservices property", 
        "label" : "Logical name of the NameNode cluster",                                                     
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "hdfs-site/dfs.nameservices",                                                       
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.ha.namenodes.list",                                                                 
        "description" : "Comma-separated list of namenodes for a given nameservice.\n            Value of hdfs
-site/dfs.ha.namenodes.[nameservice] property",                                                               
        "label" : "List of NameNodes",                                                                        
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "fake",                                                                             
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn1",                                                       
        "description" : "RPC address for first name node.\n            Value of hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.rpc-add
ress.[nameservice].[namenode1] property",                                                                     
        "label" : "First NameNode RPC Address",                                                               
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "fake",                                                                             
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.ha.namenode.rpc-address.nn2",                                                       
        "description" : "RPC address for second name node.\n            Value of hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.rpc-ad
dress.[nameservice].[namenode2] property",                                                                    
        "label" : "Second NameNode RPC Address",                                                              
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "fake",                                                                             
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn1",                                                      
        "description" : "WebHDFS address for first name node.\n            Value of hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.htt
p-address.[nameservice].[namenode1] property",                                                                
        "label" : "First NameNode HTTP (WebHDFS) Address",                                                    
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "fake",                                                                             
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.ha.namenode.http-address.nn2",                                                      
        "description" : "WebHDFS address for second name node.\n            Value of hdfs-site/
tp-address.[nameservice].[namenode2] property",                                                               
        "label" : "Second NameNode HTTP (WebHDFS) Address",                                                   
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "fake",                                                                             
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.client.failover.proxy.provider",                                                    
        "description" : "The Java class that HDFS clients use to contact the Active NameNode\n            Valu
e of hdfs-site/dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.[nameservice] property",                                    
        "label" : "Failover Proxy Provider",                                                                  
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "fake",                                                                             
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "hdfs.auth_to_local",                                                                        
        "description" : "Auth to Local Configuration",                                                        
        "label" : "Auth To Local",                                                                            
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : "core-site/",                                          
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.username",                                                                          
        "description" : "doAs for proxy user for HDFS. By default, uses the currently logged-in Ambari user.",
        "label" : "WebHDFS Username",                                                                         
        "placeholder" : null,                                                                                 
        "defaultValue" : "${username}",                                                                       
        "clusterConfig" : null,                                                                               
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
        "name" : "webhdfs.auth",                                                                              
        "description" : "Semicolon-separated authentication configs.",                                        
        "label" : "WebHDFS Authorization",                                                                    
        "placeholder" : "auth=SIMPLE",                                                                        
        "defaultValue" : null,                                                                                
        "clusterConfig" : null,                                                                               
        "required" : false,                                                                                   
        "masked" : false                                                                                      
    "status" : "DEPLOYED",                                                                                    
    "status_detail" : "Deployed /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/work/FILES{1.0.0}.",                   
    "system" : false,                                                                                         
    "version" : "1.0.0",                                                                                      
    "view_name" : "FILES"                                                                                     
  "permissions" : [                                                                                           
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/permissions/4",                       
      "PermissionInfo" : {                                                                                    
        "permission_id" : 4,                                                                                  
        "version" : "1.0.0",                                                                                  
        "view_name" : "FILES"                                                                                 
  "instances" : [                                                                                             
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/Files",                     
      "ViewInstanceInfo" : {                                                                                  
        "instance_name" : "Files",                                                                            
        "version" : "1.0.0",                                                                                  
        "view_name" : "FILES"                                                                                 
Super Collaborator

@Artem Ervits Could you add an example to modify Permissions to a View via Rest API Interface.


Master Mentor
@Saumil Mayani

that's a great suggestion, it was on my follow up list as when you provision a new user and/or new view, permissions need to be added. Will follow up with that suggestion soon.

Master Mentor

what should be the url/command when we need to access hadoop jobs for a specified time duration ?