Created on
08:42 AM
- edited on
08:56 PM
In this article related to CDP Public Cloud, we will walk through steps required to be followed to read/ write to COD (Cloudera Operational Database) from Spark on CDE (Cloudera Data Engineering) using spark-hbase connector.
If you are looking to leverage Phoenix instead, please refer to this community article.
Spark in CDE to be able to talk to COD, would require the hbase-site.xml config of the COD cluster. Do the following steps to retrieve the same:
The configuration can be downloaded using the following curl command.
curl -f -o "" -u "<YOUR WORKLOAD USERNAME>" ""
In this example, we are going to use COD database HUE to quickly create a new HBase table inside our COD database. Let's walk through this step by step:
Once in Hue, click on the HBase menu item on the left sidebar, and then click on the New Table button in the top right corner:
Choose your table name and column families, and then click on the Submit button.
For the sake of this example, let's call the table 'testtable' and let's create a single column family called 'testcf'.
For Spark code complete examples, refer to HbaseRead.scala and this HBaseWrite.scala examples.
To configure the job via CDE CLI, perform these steps:
"mounts": [
"resourceName": "cod-spark-resource"
"name": "my-cod-spark-job",
"spark": {
"className": "<YOUR MAIN CLASS>",
"conf": {
"spark.executor.extraClassPath": "/app/mount/conf",
"spark.driver.extraClassPath": "/app/mount/conf"
"args": [ "<YOUR ARGS IF ANY>"],
"driverCores": 1,
"driverMemory": "1g",
"executorCores": 1,
"executorMemory": "1g",
"file": "spark-hbase-project.jar",
"pyFiles": [],
"files": ["conf/hbase-site.xml"],
"numExecutors": 4
Finally, assuming the above JSON was saved into my-job-definition.json, import the job using the following command:
cde job import --file my-job-definition.json
Please note the spark.driver.extraClassPath and spark.executor.extraClassPath inside the job definition, pointing to the same path we used to upload the hbase-site.xml into our CDE resource.
This is important since this way the hbase-site.xml will be automatically loaded from the classpath and you won't need to refer to it explicitly in your Spark code, hence, you will only need to do like this:
val conf = HBaseConfiguration.create()
val hbaseContext = new HBaseContext(spark.sparkContext, conf)
If you prefer using the UI instead, you'll have to take the following into account (please find the screenshot below):
Created on 07-19-2022 01:25 AM - edited 07-19-2022 01:25 AM
Please note the last screenshot has typos in it, while the article hasn't.
The correct configuration properties' names are the following (please note camel case):