Created on 11-05-201803:23 PM - edited 08-17-201905:42 AM
In preparation for my talk at the Philadelphia Open Source Conference(, Apache Deep Learning 201, I wanted to have some good images for running various Apache MXNet GluonCV Deep Learning Algorithms for Computer Vision. See:
Using Apache open source tools - Apache NiFi 1.8 and Apache MXNet 1.3 with GluonCV I can easily ingest live traffic camera images and run Object Detection, Semantic Segmentation and Instance Segmentation.
It's so easy, I am running multiple on the data to see which gives me the results I like. I am like YOLO which is a one of my old favorites.
So we can find the cars and people in these webcams. Use cases can be around traffic optimization, public safety and advertisement optimization. Due to licensing, I thought it better not to show Traffic Camera data here.
To industrialize and scale out this process from a single Data Scientist to a national ingestion system, we use the power of Apache NiFi to ingest, process and control flows. I am using the latest Apache NiFi 1.8.
Apache NiFi Flow to Ingest and Process Traffic Camera Data
First we have a list of URLs that I want to process, this can be sourced and stored anywhere. For ease of use with a static set I am using GenerateFlowFile. I have a JSON file of URLs that I split and parse to call various Computer Vision Python scripts (DeepLab3, MaskRCNN, YOLO and others). YOLO seems to be the most useful so far. I am grabbing the results, some system metrics, metadata and the deep learning analytics generated by Apache MXNet.
I split the flow into two portions. One builds GluonCV result data from YOLO and the other creates a file from TensorFlow results done on the fly.
Here is a list of my webcam URLs. There's millions of them out there.
If your data is tabular, then you need a schema for fast record processing.
An Example Dataset Returned from GLUONCV - YOLO Python 3.6 Script
I turn JSON data into HDFS Writeable AVRO Data and Can Run Live SQL on It
One Output Source Code Be a Joint Slack Group
Detection: GluonCV YOLO
v3 and Apache NiFi
This can be OpenCV, a static photo or from a URL.
Detection: Faster RCNN with GluonCV
RCNN model trained on Pascal VOC dataset with ResNet-50 backbone
net = gcv.model_zoo.get_model(faster_rcnn_resnet50_v1b_voc,