Created 03-22-2019 07:09 AM
Hi All - We have tried to move Cloudera manager mysql to other disk , when we made changes and restarted cloudera-scm-server logs says nav database not found. we created the nav database in mysql and restarted now it says authenctication failure for admin user. Would you please advise why this is happening and how to fix.
Thanks in advance.
Created 03-22-2019 03:20 PM
Cloudera Manager knows to which database server to connect based on what it sees in /etc/cloudera-scm-server/
We would not know which server should be used. It sounds like you'll have to figure out what has changed since you tried "moving" mysql server.
If you used to have more users, try accessing each 'scm' database with a mysql client and see what rows exist in the USERS table. That might give you some clues.
Created 03-22-2019 07:59 AM
I see the cloudera manager is starting afresh and able to login only with user=admin and pwd=admin.we have 2 mysql databases one has amon,hue,mysql,navm,navs,rman databases and second has hive,oozie,scm,sentry.
and /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ is pointing to second mysql database which has hive,oozie,scm,sentry.
Does this need a change to first server ?
Created 03-22-2019 03:20 PM
Cloudera Manager knows to which database server to connect based on what it sees in /etc/cloudera-scm-server/
We would not know which server should be used. It sounds like you'll have to figure out what has changed since you tried "moving" mysql server.
If you used to have more users, try accessing each 'scm' database with a mysql client and see what rows exist in the USERS table. That might give you some clues.