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CDH 5.5 QuickStart VM via Docker having issues accepting Phoenix parcel.



I downloaded Cloudera QuickStart VM CDH 5.5 and brought it up and running.

Later I tried using Apache Phoenix parcel as mentioned in the blogpost here


However after choosing parcel version 1.2, finally at the distribution level, I got following error

"Dependency not satisfied for release CLABS_PHOENIX(4.5.2-1.clabs_phoenix1.2.0.p0.774): CDH (at least 5.5)."


Any idea why is this error coming since I am already on CDH 5.5 ?





This is what worked for me.

Increased the Region Server heap size it to 500 MiB, redeployed client configuration and restarted HBase.

I was able to get sql line phoenix script working for me.

View solution in original post



The reason is that you can't mix a Linux packages install with a parcels install. By default, the VM uses Linux packages so that you don't have to use CM unless you have the memory. There's a button on the desktop to migrate CDH to a parcel installation. After you've run that, the Phoenix parcel install should work.


Via CLI, that script can be invoked as `sudo /home/cloudera/parcels`.

I brought the cloudera manager and over there I am accepting the Parcel as mentioned in the link at cloudera blog. Now my docker container image is running, Cloudera manager is up, so where do I find
"migrate CDH to a parcel installation" button?


It's a button on the desktop in the QuickStart VM - I saw you were using Docker, so I added the CLI equivalent of 'sudo /home/cloudera/parcels' above <- that should run the same script that will install the parcel that matches the QuickStart image, remove the Linux packages, etc..


Thanks for the quick feedback.

I am still not sure about what exactly needs to be done.

I have a docker container that is running QuickStart VM for CDH 5.5.

Now I have added a parcel that "needs" to be a package. You have given me a CLI command, thanks for that, but not sure what exactly I am supposed to?

I am referring to but it does not seem to be applicable to QuickStart Dockerized VM for CDH 5.5.


So do I download a parcel and then go to CLI and issue command that you specified?

Can you please help me detailing out what needs to be done?

Apprceiate your help.


The script I suggested you use is just an automated version of the process
documented at the link you provided. I would just try running the script,
and when that's done going back and retrying the Phoenix parcel.


Hi, Thanks for your feedback.

I am able to parcel-ify CDH and then abel to accept distribute and activate Phoenix parcel via "Cloudera manager". However after that when I try to run, 



[root@quickstart conf]# /usr/bin/ localhost:2181
Setting property: [isolation, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED]
issuing: !connect jdbc:phoenix:localhost:2181 none none org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver
Connecting to jdbc:phoenix:localhost:2181
16/03/16 05:28:47 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
16/03/16 05:28:48 WARN impl.MetricsConfig: Cannot locate configuration: tried,

It comes here and simply hangs.

I tried few suggestions like attempting commands like 

a. localhost:2181:/hbase

b. Adding salt bucket as 0 (as suggested in but no luck.

Any idea how do I proceed?




Can you check that Zookeeper (and HDFS and HBase, for that matter) are running in Cloudera Manager? Port 2181 is ZooKeeper and it seems like it's not able to connect to that. Because running every service requires quite a lot of memory for a VM, when you migrate to Cloudera Manager or switch to parcels, it won't start every service for you. If you go to Cloudera Manager and log in, the home screen should show a table of all the services in the cluster. Make sure ZooKeeper, HDFS and HBase are marked with a green dot. Otherwise, they may need to started or restarted. If they're marked with a question mark, usually that means one of the "Management Services" (really, these are just parts of CM represented as separate services) need to be restarted.




Hi, I am able to see HDFS and Zookeeper both being green. HBase comes up for few seconds and then reports "Region Server" as "Unexpectedly Exited" not sure what do I need to do? Also even if sometimes it manages to stay green for longer duration, as soon as I issue localhost:2181 command, it turns RED indicating that it exited. So how to proceed?