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CDH quickstart virtual machines not available

New Contributor

Hi. Until recently the CDH 5.13 quickstart virtual machine was available from Cloudera site but it looks it's not available anymore. I have a lot of video training courses that are based on the use of this virtual machine provided by Cloudera. There are a lot of trainers around the world using it as a base for their courses and, if it disappears, much of our video training course become obsolete causing us serious harm. I ask Cloudera to maintain the quickstart virtual machines download links in order to provide backward compatibility and avoid to cause us this problem. Thanks. 





Progress involves moving ahead and embracing positive change. We are in a transition period away from that version of the Cloudera Quickstart VM, as it was outdated and nearing end of support, so even in the best-case scenario, you should be planning for the CDH 5-based "quickstart" VMs to become unavailable in the Fall of 2020. I strongly recommend you begin updating your training materials accordingly.


The up-to-date product is Cloudera Data Platform, and you can download a trial version to install on-premises here. If you really must have that version of the Cloudera QuickStart VM, you could try the solution posted here, but there is certainly no guarantee that link will keep working indefinitely.



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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