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Capture airflow run duration

Expert Contributor

I have a requirement to gather run duration (time) for the last 3 months, for a particular airflow job.

In our CDE environment we use airflow to call spark DBT jobs, of late the run duration of job have increased drastically.
I assume there would be a way to gather this jobs runtime duration for further analysis etc. Hoping for some assistance / guidance in getting his done.

CDE Version - 1.19.3-b29




Master Collaborator

Hello @wert_1311 Thank you for bringing this to our Community. 

I see this has already by requested by you here: 

Did it not help? If not, Please try the following:

Airflow has the following metrics that can be used: 

For the integration, I'd suggest you explore the feasibility based on your use-case. For example, the Metrics configuration setup is given here for StatD and OpenTelemetry.

Also, I am citing the third-party  apps that may be helpful: 

Let us know how it goes.