Created 01-17-2018 08:35 AM
What happens when license gets expired for any production server running on cloudera enterprise(license). Will the production get effected or only the cloudera support will expire.
Created 05-06-2018 12:02 AM
When a Cloudera Enterprise license expires, the following occurs:
This has been documented here.
Created 01-18-2018 12:57 PM
Cloudera support will definitely expire. As for the cluster, I think most of the cluster services will keep working, except the licensed pieces and one will be legally non-compliant to the licensing terms.
Created 01-22-2018 09:11 AM
Can you tell me, which all services will expire? Currently running services are:
Cloudera Management Services
Also, if there are 33 nodes in cluster, out of which 24 are data nodes and 9 are master nodes. How many licenses will be required?
Created 01-23-2018 07:58 AM
Services won't expire, instead license expires. Most of these services are open source, but Cloudera Management Service is not. This stands true if you are using their EDH edition of Hadoop Distro; Cloudera express edition is free, I think.
As far as I know, any node that's running services except Gateway roles, Flume roles & CM need to be licensed. But if these services are colocated on a machine along with other services then that machine also needs to be licensed.
I would suggest reaching out to your account rep. for further details.
Created 01-25-2018 01:48 AM
Thankyou...I believe services will keep running as it is, only the additional services that comes with license won't be available.
Created 05-06-2018 12:02 AM
When a Cloudera Enterprise license expires, the following occurs:
This has been documented here.