I have a Parquet file that has 5,000 records in it.
I moved it to HDFS and ran the Impala command:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE mytable LIKE PARQUET '/user/hive/MyDataFolder/MyData.Parquet' STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/user/hive/MyDataFolder';
Impala creates the table, and I can see the correct schema in Hue.
I know that this Parquet file has 5,000 records in it. I know this because I put 5,000 records in it when I created it, and because I can query it with Drill and see 5,000 records. However, when I perform a query in Impala:
SELECT * FROM mytable;
I get back 0 rows.
Why? How do I tell Impala to 'see' those 5,000 records in the file I gave it?