I have created a data pipeline with Apache Ni-Fi (version 1.15.2) to transfer data from a MySQL database in a AWS RDS instance into Timescale (postgreSQL). Ni-Fi runs in Linux Ubuntu 18.04 in Virtual Box on top of Windows 10. The pipeline has been tested successfully by using as a target the Timescale database located in my local Linux instance, without using SSL.
Then I have modified the pipeline to use Timescale Cloud as a target (https://portal.timescale.cloud/login). The database name is: periodic-measurements
In Timescale Cloud service page I can see these credentials:
- Host: <host-string>
- Port: 10250
- User: tsdbadmin
- Password: <timescale-cloud-service-password>
- Service URI: postgres://tsdbadmin:<timescale-cloud-service-password>@<host-string>:10250/defaultdb?sslmode=require
- SSL mode: require
- Allowed IP addresses:
I use PutDatabaseRecord processor to write data in the postgreSQL database which uses the DBCPConnectionPool controller service.
I have copied the CA certificate got from Timescale Cloud service page into the following directory in my Linux instance with the following file name:
These are the configuration parameters in the the DBCPConnectionPool controller service:
• Database Connection URL: jdbc:postgres://<host-string>:10250/periodic-measurements
• Database Driver Class Name: org.postgresql.Driver
• Database Driver Location: /usr/share/java/postgresql/postgresql-42.3.1.jar
• Database User: tsdbadmin
• Password: <timescale-cloud-service-password>
• sslmode: require
• sslrootcert: /etc/ca-certificates/ts-cloud-ca.pem
When enabling the controller service I get the following error:
StandardControllerServiceNode[service=DBCPConnectionPool[id=017e1005-818e-1423-7951-125faf9dff4d], name=Connector to Timescale Cloud, active=true] Failed to invoke @OnEnabled method due to java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
causes: org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: No suitable driver for the given Database Connection URL: No suitable driver for the given Database Connection URL
I get the same result if I change the DBCPConnectionPool controller service settings with sslmode: verify-ca
Note that I have managed to connect successfully to the Timescale Cloud database with Grafana from my Linux instance by using the same credentials.
Any hint what could be wrong?