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Falcon tutorial - rawEmailIngestProcess shell-wf failing

Master Guru

Following the tutorial during rawEmailIngestProcess shell-wf the shellnode process fails. shellnode is basically calling

curl -sS | tar xz && hadoop fs -mkdir -p $1 && hadoop fs -put enron_with_categories/*/*.txt $1

I changed and perform a simple hadoop fs -ls and the shellnode process succeeds.

Here is the oozie log:

2015-12-31 05:50:49,213 WARN ShellActionExecutor:523 - SERVER[] USER[ambari-qa] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[shell-wf] JOB[0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W@shell-node] Launcher ERROR, reason: Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.ShellMain], exit code [1] 2015-12-31 05:50:49,239 INFO ActionEndXCommand:520 - SERVER[] USER[ambari-qa] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[shell-wf] JOB[0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W@shell-node] ERROR is considered as FAILED for SLA 2015-12-31 05:50:49,261 INFO ActionStartXCommand:520 - SERVER[] USER[ambari-qa] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[shell-wf] JOB[0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W@fail] Start action [0000420-151222214138596-oozie-oozi-W@fail] with user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]

Any help would be appreciated. @Anderw Ahn



This Oozie log doesn't contain the details of why shell action failed. To get those details, look at the YARN job logs for this action. Click on "YARN" in Ambari, then on "Resource Manager UI" under "Quick Links" and then look at the logs for the application which contains the Oozie workflow ID in it.

My guess is that there was a permission problem when writing e-mail content.

View solution in original post



Moved the question to Governance track.

Master Mentor

the tutorial link was invalid, removed the extraneous parenthesis


This Oozie log doesn't contain the details of why shell action failed. To get those details, look at the YARN job logs for this action. Click on "YARN" in Ambari, then on "Resource Manager UI" under "Quick Links" and then look at the logs for the application which contains the Oozie workflow ID in it.

My guess is that there was a permission problem when writing e-mail content.

Master Guru

Good call Vladimir.

mkdir: Permission denied: user=yarn, access=WRITE, inode="/user/ambari-qa/falcon/demo/primary/input/enron/2015-12-30-01":ambari-qa:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x

I executed the job from falcon using ambari-qa. Is there any configuration I can change so it uses the user ambari-qa during execution?


The easiest way to find more details and exact root cause is this -

1) Open Oozie UI & Select right tabs


2) Double click on the job that failed and get more details by clicking on the small magnifying glass icon


Review the next screen for more error details. If you are unclear of the issue, share the details from the next screen.