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For HDPCD Exam, All the Deamons will already be running in real exam?


For HDPCD Exam, All the Deamons will already be running in exam?

In practice test i had to start the services by executing command specified in reference PDF and in one case i had to restart ambari also. I just want to know, do i have to start services in real exam also as it took quite a while to up and running all the services?

If yes, Will this time will be consider to start all services? or how time is noted in real exam?


Rising Star

Hi Anand,

Just as in your practice exam, the HDPCD exam is a cloud/AWS based instance of HDP, so there will likely be some services that aren't up and running so you will need to take a few minutes to start those services.

However, while you are taking the examine, the test proctors who will be overseeing the exam are aware of these types of issues.

If you run into a scenario where you will need to spend time starting any of your services, please let the test proctor know, and they will make sure to take that into consideration and give you extra time to work on the exam.

For example, if you spent 15 minutes getting your services back up, the test proctor will give you an additional 15 minutes to take the exam to make up for the lost time if you let the know.

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Kindly answer if anyone given exam

Rising Star

Hi Anand,

Just as in your practice exam, the HDPCD exam is a cloud/AWS based instance of HDP, so there will likely be some services that aren't up and running so you will need to take a few minutes to start those services.

However, while you are taking the examine, the test proctors who will be overseeing the exam are aware of these types of issues.

If you run into a scenario where you will need to spend time starting any of your services, please let the test proctor know, and they will make sure to take that into consideration and give you extra time to work on the exam.

For example, if you spent 15 minutes getting your services back up, the test proctor will give you an additional 15 minutes to take the exam to make up for the lost time if you let the know.


Thank you @tbroas

Rising Star

No problem Anand, good luck with your exam!