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Hive CLI not working (unresponsive)

Rising Star

Hi All,

Looks like only my Hive Cli is not working .I am able to access Hive through beeline works fine

.Because the CLI is hanging Ambari is showing metastore critical.We dont have an option to use beeline cz all our code is written to use hive cli .

Any inputs


Rising Star

Hi @Takahiko Saito @@vpoornalingam

There where multiple instances of Metastores running .When Ambari crashed we tried to start the service manually and created one extra instance and it was consuming the port number .Manually stopped the other instance and rstarted Hive every thing came back to normal .

Thanks for the support

View solution in original post




What is the engine used? If you do the following does it work:

hive -hiveconf hive.execution.engine=mr

Please invoke hive as follows and see where it is failing:

hive -hiveconf hive.root.logger=DEBUG,console

any errors would be thrown in the console, read through the same to identify the root cause.

Thanks & Rgds


Expert Contributor

Hi @Shihab

In addition to what @vpoornalingam suggested in the above, does restarting hive metastore help?

If not, you can also take a look at hive metastore log which is located in hive host to see if any error is being thrown.

Rising Star

Hi @Takahiko Saito @@vpoornalingam

There where multiple instances of Metastores running .When Ambari crashed we tried to start the service manually and created one extra instance and it was consuming the port number .Manually stopped the other instance and rstarted Hive every thing came back to normal .

Thanks for the support