Created 09-06-2016 12:21 AM
I am new to nifi.
I am copying file the file using nifi getfile(Keep the source true) and putfile (/stage).And Every minute there is cronjob looks for file written by putfile , process them and send it hdfs. Soon files got moved out of (/stage) directory,Nifi re-copies the same files.
Is there is any way to avoid re-copy of file in nifi.
Created 09-06-2016 12:47 AM
Created 09-06-2016 12:47 AM
Created 09-06-2016 10:43 PM
Thanks alot Matt for the quick response. I need one more suggestion. Currently application logs get recycled on daily basis. Let's assume Nifi copies the files at particular point in time using ListFile->FetchFile. There will be some more data will get written before next log file creation.
What's the best way to copy/sync up the file that is being appended using nifi. Current version of nifi is