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How to create the following user roles


How to create the following roles:

Auditor, Read-Only, Limited Operator, Operator, Configurator, Cluster Administrator ,BDR Administrator, Navigator Administrator, User Administrator, Key Administrator, Full Administrator


Can you please tell me if possible to create from cloudera manager or hue editor logged in as administrator. hdfs account.


We are having issues, the moment with enabled teh sentry, all schemas are disappearing straight seems like the roles are not defined thats why not seeing anything, now reverted back to unchecking sentry from hive configuration.


Thanks a lot for the helpful info.




Since you have mentioned the word "user role", I want to clarify this

You have to understand the difference between Group, User and Role

Group and User to be created in both Linux(root user) and Hue(as admin user)

But Role to be created only in Hue


Ex: Login as root in Linux and apply below commands.

groupadd hive;
groupadd hue;
groupadd impala;
groupadd analyst;
groupadd admin;


# In your case, your Group suppose to be..
Auditor, Read-Only, Limited Operator, Operator, Configurator, Cluster Administrator ,BDR Administrator, Navigator Administrator, User Administrator, Key Administrator, Full Administrator


useradd kumar;
# User belongs to Group
usermod -a -G hive,hue,impala,admin,analyst kumar;
passwd kumar;


# Role assigned to Group:

Now, login to Hue -> Security(Menu)-> Sentry Tables -> Add Roles (as Hive user)


View solution in original post





1. Login to Linux: Create required Group & User
2. Login to Hue: Either sync with LDAP or Create required Group & User manually.

Note1: You have to login as "admin user" to manage user/group
Note2: Make sure Linux Group & User exactly matches to Hue Group & user

3. Login to Hue: Create Roles for each DB/Tables by Hue -> Security(Menu)-> Sentry Tables -> Add Roles

Note1: You have to login as "Hive user". Because CM -> Sentry -> Configuration -> Admin Groups -> Default values are Hive, Impala, Solr, Hue




Hi Kumar,

We haven't yet enabled Sentry, right now giving issues due to missing
property values etc on various config files.

prior to enabling sentry, want to make sure to create all groups / roles
and then enable sentry on hive configuration.

Please sir, do you have steps on linux creating required group & user roles.
following are the roles which i want to plan on creating:

Auditor, Read-Only, Limited Operator, Operator, Configurator, Cluster
Administrator ,BDR Administrator, Navigator Administrator, User
Administrator, Key Administrator, Full Administrator

Thank you very much for the helpful info.


Since you have mentioned the word "user role", I want to clarify this

You have to understand the difference between Group, User and Role

Group and User to be created in both Linux(root user) and Hue(as admin user)

But Role to be created only in Hue


Ex: Login as root in Linux and apply below commands.

groupadd hive;
groupadd hue;
groupadd impala;
groupadd analyst;
groupadd admin;


# In your case, your Group suppose to be..
Auditor, Read-Only, Limited Operator, Operator, Configurator, Cluster Administrator ,BDR Administrator, Navigator Administrator, User Administrator, Key Administrator, Full Administrator


useradd kumar;
# User belongs to Group
usermod -a -G hive,hue,impala,admin,analyst kumar;
passwd kumar;


# Role assigned to Group:

Now, login to Hue -> Security(Menu)-> Sentry Tables -> Add Roles (as Hive user)