I'm using HDP 2.5. The zeppelin service running successfully, when i create a zeppelin notebook with sample data, For eg; list of data available like this below;
id | name | specialisation | city | state |
001 | xxx | Android | Bronx | NY |
002 | yyy | ROR | Rome | NY |
003 | zzz | IOS | Bronx | NY |
004 | ppp | Bigdata | Dallas | TX |
005 | qqq | Android | Dallas | TX |
In pie chart is display list of states by using below query
%sql select state,count(1) AS states from sample_data where state!='' GROUP BY state ORDER BY states DESC

In sqltable is display list of column by using using below query;
%sql select id,name,specialisation,city,state from sample_data
My question, When i select particular state from this pie chart, For eg TX, The sql table is automatically filtered with selected portion of pie chart. Please tell me how do i make this feature in zeppelin.