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How to use Hive update with select statement to SET a column Value

New Contributor

Can anyone tell me what's wrong in this query ?

UPDATE tableA SET submitted_from_ip=(SELECT vqs.fieldvalue FROM viewA vqs join tableA fqs on vqs.formid=fqs.formid AND vqs.SubmitTime=fqs.submit_time WHERE vqs.fieldname='submitted_from_ip') JOIN tableA fqs on vqs.formid=fqs.formid AND vqs.SubmitTime=fqs.submit_time WHERE vqs.fieldname='submitted_from_ip';


Master Guru
@Ahmar Khan

Update <table_name> Set <col_name>=(<Query>) is not possible with Hive.

Update <table_name> Set <col_name>="<value>" is possible with Hive.

You could try using Hive ACID Merge approach to update the values But not sure is merge will work with setting out values based on the query.

Master Guru
@Oliver Queen

Glad to hear that.. 🙂

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New Contributor

Thank you @Shu
Hive Merge approach worked for my case.