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How to validate/ignore optional value while validating it using 'Validate CSV' processor in Apache NiFi?

New Contributor

I'm new to Apache Nifi Community and I got stuck at one point - please help me for the below problem :

In 'Validate CSV' processor I'm giving below schema(schema_used) to validate the CSV input. But, processor is showing error(err_screenshot).

Validate CSV -


Schema_Used - StrNotNullOrEmpty(), ParseDate("MM/dd/yyyy"), StrNotNullOrEmpty(), StrNotNullOrEmpty(), Optional(), StrNotNullOrEmpty(), StrNotNullOrEmpty(), StrNotNullOrEmpty(), StrNotNullOrEmpty(), Optional(), Optional(), StrNotNullOrEmpty()

The above schema is showing below error -

err_screenshot -


Note: The Schema is working totally fine, if I remove 'Optional()'.

Problem - Please tell me how can I use 'Validate CSV' processor in Apache Nifi and validate Mandatory/Optional Fields of CSV. Also, suggest/share any script(groovy/python) if that can validate the CSV.


Super Guru

Hi @AidenMartin ,

According to the documentation of the validate csv apply processors, the Optional has to take  a type parameter :



Schema property: Null, ParseDate("dd/MM/yyyy"), Optional(ParseDouble())
Meaning: the input CSV has three columns, the first one can be null and has no specification, the second one must be a date formatted as expected, and the third one must a double or null (no value).



If you are not sure of the data type then just use Null instead of Optional, which means the value can be provided or not.


If you find this is helpful please accept solution.


View solution in original post


Super Guru

Hi @AidenMartin ,

According to the documentation of the validate csv apply processors, the Optional has to take  a type parameter :



Schema property: Null, ParseDate("dd/MM/yyyy"), Optional(ParseDouble())
Meaning: the input CSV has three columns, the first one can be null and has no specification, the second one must be a date formatted as expected, and the third one must a double or null (no value).



If you are not sure of the data type then just use Null instead of Optional, which means the value can be provided or not.


If you find this is helpful please accept solution.