Created 07-14-2017 11:14 AM
it'll be helpfull if what processor to be used in beween listensyslog and puthdfs is suggested.
Created 07-14-2017 01:39 PM
The "it'll be helpful if what processor to be used in between listenSyslog and putHDFS is suggested" question is a hard one for anyone to answer without understanding the end result you are looking for.
There are The following processors: - parseSyslog (extract bits from syslog content in to FlowFile attributes) You can then use those attributes if you like to make routing decisions (routeOnAttribute), define unique target HDFS directories based on attribute value in PutHDFS - SplitText or SlitContent (Can be used to FlowFiles that contain more then one syslog message each). You get improved performance if listenSyslog ingests in batches.
- UpdateAttribute (Used to add you own custom attributes or manipulate existing attributes on FlowFiles)
Created 07-14-2017 01:28 PM
Hi, You just need put a processor "puthdfs", then righ click to open the configuration panel. they you need to provide the configuration file of hdfs (hdfis-site.xml, core-site.xml) and the folder where you want to put the data. This is to put data to hdfs. To read data (for example locally) use the processor tailfile.
Created 07-14-2017 01:39 PM
The "it'll be helpful if what processor to be used in between listenSyslog and putHDFS is suggested" question is a hard one for anyone to answer without understanding the end result you are looking for.
There are The following processors: - parseSyslog (extract bits from syslog content in to FlowFile attributes) You can then use those attributes if you like to make routing decisions (routeOnAttribute), define unique target HDFS directories based on attribute value in PutHDFS - SplitText or SlitContent (Can be used to FlowFiles that contain more then one syslog message each). You get improved performance if listenSyslog ingests in batches.
- UpdateAttribute (Used to add you own custom attributes or manipulate existing attributes on FlowFiles)