Created on 01-14-2016 12:31 AM - edited 09-16-2022 02:57 AM
Hoping someone can help.
I am trying to insert data from a csv file stored on the sandbox (within /root) to a mysql database table. Below I have bullet pointed the steps I have taken and the error I am getting.
- I have a file called countrycodes.csv stored in the /root folder of the sandbox. This contains the data that I want to insert into the database.
- I have created a mysql database called forHadoop.
- I have granted privileges to user hue by:
Grant all privileges on forHadoop.* to hue@localhost identified by '1111';
- I can log into this database as hue by typing:
mysql -u hue -p
Then type the password 1111 and I am in.
- I have created a table called countrycodes within the database forHadoop.
- I want to populate the table countrycodes with the data from /root/countrycodes.csv. To do this I type:
mysql forHadoop --local_infile=1 -u hue -p
Then type my password 1111
- But when I type the below load statement I get an error message.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘/root/countrycodes.csv’ into table forHadoop.countrycodes fields terminated by ‘,’ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’;
- The error message is: ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'hue'@'localhost' to database 'n’;'
Any idea as to what I am doing wrong? Why is access denied fro user hue?
Created 01-14-2016 03:59 AM
Your user may not have the privilege
This is what you could do
a) Login as mysql using root
b) change database to forHadoop
c) Run your Load Script.
I have a tutorial for Atlas, where I create 2 mysql tables in a newly created DB instance. Take a look
Created 01-14-2016 03:59 AM
Your user may not have the privilege
This is what you could do
a) Login as mysql using root
b) change database to forHadoop
c) Run your Load Script.
I have a tutorial for Atlas, where I create 2 mysql tables in a newly created DB instance. Take a look
Created 01-20-2016 05:35 PM
Thanks Shivaji, I managed to get it working...