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New Apache Nifi Release 2.0.0 M3 with Python extension and UI changes

Super Guru


It seems like the new version of Apache Nifi 2.0.0 M3 was just released. Per the release notes there are some changes to how python extension are packaged and changes to the UI as well . @pvillard Are you going to make new video to discuss those changes and other important ones? It will be highly appreciated. Im planning to download and start testing but having a video from someone like you would be helpful to set the expectation and avoid running into any issues.





Hi, yeah, I do intend to record a video regarding the Rules Engine (I'm giving a webinar on next Tuesday that will also cover that topic and new things coming with NiFi 2), but I can also plan a couple of videos on Stateless and Python components.


Hello, I have a question about the NiFi Python extension. I tried to build my own processor with Hatch and created a NAR file, but when I copy it into the lib folder in NiFi, I encounter this error:

"2024-07-22 10:43:47,322 WARN [main] org.apache.nifi.nar.NarClassLoader .\work\nar\extensions\nifi_python_extensions-2.0.0.dev0.nar-unpacked does not contain NAR-INF/bundled-dependencies!"

Is there any help available to resolve this?

Super Guru

Hi @anasb ,


I honestly never done it using .NAR extension. I have always placed my processor under the

$NIFI_HOME/python/extensions directory and let Nifi handle the dependency download (

For .NAR packaging please make sure to follow the steps here:

Also make sure you create the same folder structure specified in the instruction. From the error message you provided it seems like you are missing\misplaced the  "NAR-INF/bundled-dependencies"  where all dependencies are stored.

Hope  that helps.



Super Guru

Do you mind explaining which processor\processors  are you trying to package from that repo and what are the steps taken to package ? also if you can email me an attachment of your .nar package which should be a zip file that will be great.


can you give me your email?